Anyone have iron deficiency that is causing hair loss

on 10/7/15 5:50 am - East Haven, CT


I'm 11 yrs out and am experiencing severe hair loss. After seeing my surgeon yesterday, they discovered I am anemic. I'm hoping the prescription strength iron will reverse this. Anyone have any similar issues?



H.A.L.A B.
on 10/7/15 7:59 am

depends how anemic you are... but a lot of us post op RNY or DS get iron issues..

in many cases - only iron infusions help to bring the iron and ferritin up and then pills help to keep it there...

I am 7 years post op and so farI had 3 series of iron infusions... last one 2 years ago..

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 10/7/15 8:23 am - East Haven, CT

Thanks. I didn't get the numbers at yesterday's visit, but will be sure to ask at my follow up.


on 10/9/15 11:38 am

I had a pretty severe iron deficiency and was losing my hair. I didn't find out until my doc did lab work when I said my hair was falling out. I have been taking pills for months now and just had more bloodwork done Monday. My iron levels are awesome now! I cut my hair real short after the hair loss, but I'm actually going to try to grow it out now that it's not falling out like it was! Good luck to you! I hope the iron works as well for you as it did for me! Hugs!

on 10/9/15 11:56 am - East Haven, CT

Hi Heather,

Thank you so much for your positive response. I'm devastated, as my hair has always been the only thing I liked about myself for a very long time, especially before my WLS. I have always had some what longer hair (shoulder length) my whole life, and I can't even imagine short hair. I'm picking up the perscription for the iron today and seeing my internist for a referral to a hematologist next week.

Thanks again!


on 10/27/15 12:55 pm

Did they not check your ZINC? try zinc losenge, called "cold eze" ..absorbed quickly under the tongue.. I use these to maintain mine @ 1/2-1 per week. to get it up to normal... I took three a week. when it changes taste, you will know your zinc is up . change it to maintainence mode then. I'm 20 yrs post op..

on 10/28/15 8:13 am - East Haven, CT

Thank you.

Evelyn J.
on 11/4/15 1:13 pm - Cedar Lake, In

Hello, I'm 12 years out and went through iron deficiency. Iron pills didn't work for me. I went for iron IV injections for 8 weeks and took care of the situation. The reason I found out I was iron deficient was I was craving ice. My daughters talked me into going to the Dr. And get my usual blood test and they came back so bad. Got the iron through my vines and I'm all better.

Evelyn J.



on 11/5/15 5:01 am - East Haven, CT

Hi Evelyn,

I think I need to talk to my internist and get to the bottom of this.  Thanks for your reply - very helpful.



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