It's been 8 years already?

Mrs. SmartiePants
on 8/13/15 9:34 pm

Today I stumbled across OH and couldn't believe how I could have forgotten this place I learned so much and got so much support from. 

I had RNY in May 2007, a week after my 20th birthday. Time sure flies! I feel some days I can't even remember my 'past' life because I do feel that I've changed a lot since then. 

It's true what they say, surgery doesn't fix anything. I look at it as a second chance. Every day is still a struggle, weight will always be an issue for me. People do regain weight. At one point I had regained 40, which I have managed to lose (plus 10 more!) but it's all about making choices. 

I remember my support group leader saying that once the 'honeymoon' phase after WLS is over, you're just eating like a 'normal', what they don't say is how hard it is to eat like a 'normal' person when you've been so used to eating like an obese person your entire life. 

It's a lifelong roller coaster, but still the absolute best decision I ever made for myself. 


on 8/14/15 7:13 am - vancouver, WA

I am 6 years out and i feel your pain.  I lost a lot of weight and then gained a lot of it back.  125 was my lowest and then up to 198 lbs.  I been doing the 21 day fix and finally the weight is coming off.  Its learning portion control again and clean eating.  after doing 2 months i am at 176 and not looking back.  Shooting for my goal of 140 lbs by December.  We can do it.  They don't do surgery on the brain so its all us now.



 5'4": Surgery 240/Current 135/Goal 140 = 105 lbs lost!!!  BMI 22.5 I'm Normal  

6 Years Later highest 198 / Current 176 / Goal 140
Hit Goal on 5/14/09 8 months out! 
  Join us on the Lightweights Board!

on 8/27/15 12:40 pm - Camdenton, MO

What did you do to loss the weight again? I need to do something to get the 32 pounds I gained back off.  I am a little over 7 years out. 

Any information would be great.



5'2": SW 232 - CW 169- LW- 135  GW -140

on 9/8/15 8:53 am - Clearwater , FL

I'm just rediscovering OH again as well. Had RNY November 2006. Lost 101lbs. Gained back 30 years 3-6, then go back on track and slooowly lost that weight again. Currently I'm 10 above my lowest weight 155. Would like to lose that 10 and a little more. With my age and mobility issues it's very hard.  I don't dump so avoiding sweets has been my downfall. I can't give up chocolate forever. If I try I can fit a little bit into my week without adverse effects. I'm going to the conference in October. Are you?

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