10 years post op complications
Hi I am 10 years post op. I have started having problems also. As far.as the bm I usually have a hard time goimg to the bathroom. I have recently anemic also b 12 deficient and have to take shots monthly. I believe we suffer from the same pain in the left and right quadrants of the abdomem. I get them often m o also ha e no gall bladder however when I get the pain it is so severe that is doubles over and it feels like it moves up towards my chest . This happened one time while I was in the hospital and the dr told me it was epigastric pain. He treated me with the dissolving pencil and it almost immediately stopped thebpain. I'm not saying this is your problem but it couldn't hurt to try it.
Hi, I am almost 11 years out. I also had intermittent "episodes" of pain like something was stuck. It was intense and I vomitted until I had diarrhea. Then it settled down. These were usually 18-24 hour events. Feb 2013 I felt "an episode" coming on. On the way home, the pain got so bad and was higher. I pulled over and called 911 thinking I was having a heart attack. Turns out I had a perforated bowel, blockages and dead sections near the Roux NY surgical sites and lots of adhesions. I also had an Ecoli infection and a huge hiatal hernia. It was a life threatening event. I actually did crash twice and was on life support for several days. I actually only had two post op visits after the RNY. I traveled for a living back then. Since this happened, no more pain. However, diarrhea is a way of life after RNY. I manage it with OTC immodium, but I tend to self treat. I suggest you get help with that from a bariatric surgeon.
i have never had the diarhea either, more constipation . But I still suffer from dumping if I havent had anything in my stomach and eat something with sugar. If I go a long time without eating, I cant keep it down. Usually happens on SUndays because I tend to not eat breakfast, and so when I do eat..I get the foamies and up it comes. Ill drink something hot to calm everything down.
I started the pain episodes about a year ago, but the doc thought it was just constipation, but since they have increased and I dont have that problem much anymore,,we think its the RNY. I go tomorrow to find out, then have an appointment with the bariatric office later.
Ill keep ya all posted.

I am nine years out and I too have an anemic problem. I too get iron infusions. Also I have bowel problems. Each and every morning I go three times. Can not leave the house until it is over and with the urgency as you have.
i also have pain every so often on my left side. It causes me to dry heave and double over with pain. I believe it may be scar tissue from the surgery where they reconnected the Y in the intestines. My surgeon wanted to go in and look but I refused.
So you are not alone. So sorry to hear you have that too.
I have multiple family members that have had this surgery and the entire family for the last 10-15 years has supported an walked through every step of the process including what happens years out for older and younger patients. If you would like some additional feedback or support from another 10 years out patient who is successfully managing her weight with no dumping, gastro-interitis or other intestinal issues, check out the link below or also you can contact my sister www.carrielitten.com.
Our entire family is now a support system for all those going through or about to go through the bypass surgery.
Cheryl S.www.powerofthin.info