10 years post op complications
Hello out there. I haven't been here in a long time, but I still love reading all the posts from everyone.
I have some questions for post op folks.
No one ever explained there would be new and strange complications that come up YEARS after surgery. I am terribly anemic and I have a Hematologist that is happy to give me IV iron every few months. I have gotten used to that problem, but there are others that no one seems to understand. I can't even get anyone to believe it is a REAL problem. I can't find one single thing that sets it off. The pain is intermittent, but extreme! I sometimes have vomiting and diarrhea. Then the next time, there is only pain. It is so hard to describe to someone. The pain is in my lower right and left quads and sometimes it is in my back. My bowels are leaving me in the dust on a daily basis. I can't get to the potty fast enough sometimes. My bm's are jelly like and always a lot of matter! I haven't had this problem until about a year ago. I have been to the ER twice for CT's. I don't have a gallbladder and it is never my appendix. They can never find any type of bowel blockage. I have been to a gastroenterologist. He did a colonoscopy and it was great! I seem to keep going downhill. I just don't bounce back anymore. Every time I am sick to my stomach, my husband makes me feel silly for worrying. Does anyone have any similar experiences? Can you tell me what you found out?
This isn't dumping. I know what that is and what to expect.
Not a clue! I don't know a lot of people -- okay, I know no people -- 10 years out, so I'm not sure of complications that far out. I have heard of something called intusseption -- or something like that -- that some of my longer-out friends have had issues with.
Blessings, Jill
WLS 5/31/07. Maintaining a weight loss of 141 pounds and feeling amazing!
A friend of mine just past ten years out had this, just had surgery to repair it. She said her doctor said this is almost common now after about 9 years out. I am having the same symptoms and am going for a ct scan this week. I will post what we find out.

A friend of mine just past ten years out had this, just had surgery to repair it. She said her doctor said this is almost common now after about 9 years out. I am having the same symptoms and am going for a ct scan this week. I will post what we find out.

CT scan scheduled for Thursday morning..have had two painful attacks this week so far so am anxious to find out. I will post as soon as I know for sure. Thanks for the concern.