two holes!
Hi Everyone! I just created this account so I could possibly find others who have had RNY and experienced holes from their pouch into my old stomach. My original surgery was Dec 17 2002. I weighed in at 430 lbs. I lost a total of 267 lbs and was very happy and healthy. Breast cancer struck and problems began. I developed 2 ulcers in my pouch and was put on omeprazole every morning. I underwent 5 endoscopics to open the scar tissue that was blocking my connection. After the last one about 6 yrs ago I started gaining weight. Slowly at first then it rapidly increased over the last 3 yrs. I am now at 243 lbs. My oncologist recommended I contact my bariatric surgeon but he had since retired. They assigned me a new doctor and he ordered a upper CT and a pelvic CT. I went to see him Wed for the results. He drew me a diagram and explained my pouch has two different holes emptying food into my old stomach. They are scheduling my surgery date asap and I should know by the next week when they will take me in. He isn't sure until he gets n there whether he can repair or if he will have to use some other part of my stomach and reconnect. Either way it will be dangerous and me being 57 yrs old doesn't help matters.
Looking for input from anyone who has had this problem. Support is so important now. I'm a big chicken. Thanks ya all.
Found ya:) I will let you know what happens with my EGD. I've had the barium and whatever the stuff is they put in the iv, I had it done at the ER. I couldn't go potty so I went and they did that test to make sure I didn't have an obstruction. I also had xrays done at the clinic (we are military). I swear I felt like a hypo because NONE of the tests were showing anything. I am currently on prilosec (was put on Friday) and Zantac (put on last Thursday). I think they are helping with the burning and churning. I had to make a food journal for my nutritionist and I was not impressed with my eating:( I am not making good choices but I am getting in ALOT more exercise.

hi there! Haven't heard from you in quite some time so I'm a little concerned. Wondering how you're doing and wondering if they found out what was wrong? I also wanted to let you know they have my surgery scheduled for the 29th of January at 8 a.m. They are going to try to repair the two holes, if not they're going to totally redo the RNY and go into the other side, if that makes any sense . I'm pretty scared but it's something I have to do. I cant walk around with two holes in my stomach. I sure cant keep gaining weight. Ive put on about another 15 pounds since November! It's just unbelievable! Let me know how youre doing, okay kiddo? You take care of yourself .Bye for now
Hey! I'm sorry I've just been so busy lately I haven't had time to turn around. I don't know if I told you but the appt I had in Dec ended up only being for the consult. I was so upset, I had fasted all day and was totally stressed and all for nothing. So the actual procedure is tomorrow at 10am. I have to go down to Belvoir early to do some lab work first. I am a walking bundle of nerves. The thought of someone putting something down my throat is hard to get past.
No you certainly can't walk around with holes in your tummy:( You will be in my thoughts for a safe procedure and speedy recovery!!
Keep me updated!!

Youre having endoscopic surgery. Youll get an IV and they will have u lay on your left side and then put you OUT! Youll not remember anything the next day and its painless. Ive had 6 so trust me on this. Versaid is the name of the med they give you thru the IV. Dont sweat it. You wont feel anything but when they put the IV in.Let me know how it goes and what they find. Ill keep you in my thoughts. Hugs♡
First let me say that YOU are my Hero!! I walked in and there was no formal waiting room, there were just people on both sides either getting prepared or laying there recovering. It was NOT at all what I expected. I laid in the bed after changing behind a curtain with no less than 20 people walking just outside it (the curtain hit me around the knee area) it took about an hour for them to take me back. Now mind you this was a military hospital so they aren't always on top of their game;) I can't tell you how many times I thought "okay this is a bad idea time to go" I had an upset stomach due to nerves and had to go to the bathroom several times. My poor husband he was so good to me yesterday. Finally they took me back and asked me a few questions. I don't remember much except Constant belching..OMGoodness I sounded like a freight train! Then I heard him say this is the part most people hate and I saw this long thick green tube that reminded me of a crayon at the end and it was NOT fun! I'm assuming that's the stretching part because then it was over.
What we know so far: they found a hiatus hernia in the distal third of the esophagus. Esophagitis seen in distal third of esophagus. There was stricture and they dialated it. They also took a biopsy.
I was told it would be about a week before they had that back.
Whewww.....glad it's over! I have a sore throat but other than that I'm okay. I would love to just sleep today:))

I am so happy for you and Proud of you! See, all that worry. You had scar tissue around the opening of you pouch that empties your food into your large intestine.. Thats why I had so many . My scar tissue kept growing back. You did great! Happy Dance!! Get some rest today. That medication they gave you takes a coupke days to wear off.
I have two weeks today until my surgery . Here is my email address: [email protected] If you want to send me yiurs, I'll put you in my address book. Hugs!