Made an appt for the referral for the endoscopy...nervous
I'm a nervous wreck! I go in on Friday for the doc to give me a referral to get the endoscopy. I've tried to read everything I can on the procedure. It says you won't remember a thing..hmmm. I remember when I had my DNC and they gave me Valium and said "I wouldn't remember a thing"..I did and still do I just want to feel better and be able to sleep through the night peacefully without worry. I've been very lucky with my surgery and haven't had any complications or problems so I guess my card is up. I'm glad to have my plumbing checked out tho

Let me make it easy for you. STOP WORRYING!
I've recently been through endoscopy myself and I too was panicked, but it is NOTHING. They give you Fentanyl and you go to sleep and don't remember a thing. Then you wake up, get a glass of apple juice and you're sent home with your driver.
My throat wasn't even sore. The whole thing takes under 15 minutes from start to finish and you'll just feel rested and relaxed when its over.