Back, after a long absence and a 46lb regain - My story, 4 & 1/2 years out!
I have not posted since 2011 and SINCE then, have had some .......well, issues.
I was emotionally eating, eating the things I PROMISED myself I would not eat (chips, tortilla chips, queso, potatoes, rice, breads, sweets...) SIMPLE CARBS. I never did get back into soda.
BUT!! I was drinking alcohol, too. I was trying to deal with "friends" turning their backs on me for losing a person; I had one so-called friend, after I dropped 150 pounds, tell me that my ass was still fat. She was/is a large girl, so I chalk that up to her watching my transformation and not liking that I was now not larger than she was. And, she is now out of my life. I do not need negativity ANYWHERE in my life.
SO! I gained. AND I GAINED!! I noticed my clothes fitting a wee bit tighter. I noticed I wasn't feeling as good as I had. I noticed that I was being HORRIBLE to my husband. All I did was go to work and come home, like I did when I weighed 326 pounds. I thought I had failed my tool, myself and my hubs. I was a FAILURE and a LOSER, and not in the good way. I beat myself up. I threw up CONSTANTLY.
I drank every day. I ate the wrong things. I kept telling myself I would go into my basement gym and work out. I delayed it, would walk on the treadmill and get back into it, only to be in horrible pain.
Last summer, July 2013, I had had enough and went to my ortho doc. I had advanced osteoarthritis in my right hip. O AND A BAD BACK!! AND I weighed in at 226. I GAINED 46 pounds and it seemed to have come on VERY FAST!! I was mortified, but told myself, I CAN LOSE IT. I had two choices: cortisone shots in the right hip or total hip replacement. I said to the Dr., I AM ONLY 44!! He said, It is wear and tear, genetics. BUT It will help you.
I FINALLY broke down, in October 2013 and called my surgeon's office to get back on track. Met with the N.P and Nutritionist and weighed in at 218. OK some loss. We worked together to figure out WHY I am vomiting all the time (I mean, ALL THE TIME...sometimes on a weekly basis!!)
OFF the G.I doc I went in November 2013. Endoscopy and colonoscopy in Jan 2014. My tool is intact (that was the first thing I asked after the procedure, still loopy from the drugs!) My pouch is about 6 ounces and everything was looking good, EXCEPT the ULCERS on my stoma. AND the hiatal hernia - most likely from my throwing up for 4 years. Colonoscopy was fine, too. The ulcers on my stoma, which is still intact and just as tight as it was when I had surgery, were the problem. NO caffeine. NO sneaking cigs, NO drinking. But, I would still partake here and there.
Jan 2014 - Met with the Ortho Dr and said, after my last shot in December which did nothing (the one in August was OK), I said, LET'S DO THIS.
April 1st 2014 I had my total hip replacement of my right hip. AND LOST 17 pounds in 2 weeks. My doc was amazed at my 2 week appointment; I was in the hospital 2 days and ate very little, pounded water, peed a lot and shed pounds. I was eating grilled chicken breast, scrambled eggs, but I would take a few bites and it felt like my pouch did RIGHT after surgery!!! WOW!
I was out of work 6 weeks on short term disability through my company (thankfully 100% paid) and I kept doing my physical therapy, small portions, dense protein, no simple carbs and I kept losing.
AN ASIDE: I use My Fitness Pal, my handle is megawatt823 and I log EVERYTHING! If you are on MyFitnessPal and want to follow me, send me a request and I will reciprocate!! :)
June 10th 2014: No more booze. I am BACK under 200 lbs, weighing this morning at 190!!! My hip is amazing; I am walking without a cane (yes, I got to use the walker for 15 steps and THEN was given the cane 10 hours after my hip replacement!!!) and!! I wore my NICE platforms to work yesterday!!
AND! My clothes are fitting better, my co-workers noticed the weight loss, my hubs is seeing it and my waist is more defined. My goal says 160....if I could get to 180, I will be OK with that weight.
I also bought Al Roker's book 'Never Goin Back.."
WE ARE NOT LOSERS or FAILURES if we have regain. Our tools are still intact and we can use them. I was mistreating my pouch and now, after eating clean and doing ALL the right things, I am OVER the simple carbs and sugar. I can't even SMELL that stuff without getting a wee bit ill.
And, I even had a bite of some pasta salad and I threw up. It seems my body is not liking the simple carbs anymore so I steer clear. DENSE PROTEIN and Fruits and Veggies for me only.
I just wanted to get this out there as I am 4 & 1/2 years (or thereabouts) out and wanted to tell everyone, I AM BACK and WE CAN WORK IT!!
Thanks for reading!
Megan Flanders
Denver, CO
Thank you so much for sharing. I am seven years out and I am scared. I have gained about 20 lbs. My surgen is no longer in the area. I have apt with a new dr on Wed of next week to do just what you have done, get back on trac. I cant check myself into the hospital can you tell me what I should do to get off the carbs. I have not gone back to pop but the achol and sweets are taking there tole. So glad I read your post just in case you are wondering why you shared this I can tell you it was for me. Thanks
Hi Cindy,
Thanks for the reply and your story, too!
For me, I just STOPPED all simple carbs. It was easy when I was in the hospital for my hip replacement BUT at home, I steer clear.
Once I was over the 'carb withdrawal' and the sweets/sugar withdrawal, my body felt better; I FELT BETTER!! It is hard, though. There are so many temptations out there. My husband loves his bread and I DO NOT eat it, ever.
We also do not eat anything processed or from a box. We buy fresh fruit, fresh veggies, frozen veggies and meat, chicken, pork. No junk food is allowed in the house, either. He likes his diet soda but I have not had a soda since 1/8/2010 and I am adamant about that.
As for the alcohol...I just stopped. I KNEW that it was HORRIBLE for us Gastric Bypass folks and, alcoholism runs in my family. I just took ONE day at a time, as I did with the carb and sugar and fat addiction. It took about a week and now, I don't crave any simple carbs, no sugar and now no booze!
I wanted the endoscopy and colonscopy to see what was going on and was VERY glad that my pouch was still intact and there was nothing seriously wrong with me. I thought FOR SURE I had ruined my tool. The relief that I felt was...amazing. I said, OK I CAN DO THIS and NO MORE. The ulcers on my stoma have also healed well and I feel re-invigorated :)
Once I cleaned the cabinets out of any junk, it totally helped. I get tempted at work but I do not partake. I still dump REALLY bad and it is even worse (dumping) at work, so I just say no.
I will not tell you that it is easy......those first few days are HELL, I am not going to lie BUT!! Once you get over that hump, you will feel so much better and going back to basics - dense protein/complex carbs - you will see your weight drop and a bounce in your step!
Hope this helps and feel free to add me as a friend!
Thank you so much for posting. I am 3 1/2 yrs out and got well below my goal. Too low, but i gained 30 pds in the last 20 mos. I attribute it to 1) being very underweight for me. 2) I had gone back to school and was working full time so it was difficult to fit in working out which then evolved into some bad eating habits. I am now inbetween jobs and finished with school. It's time to get back on track and I didn't know where to start. It's incredibly easy to put off that "walk". My work out buddies have moved so it's just me. It sounds "woe is me", but it's really I just need to regain my footing and take the "bull by the horns" so to speak. I too am 44 and don't want to end up where I was. Everyday I tell myself that I'm not close to it, but each pound counts and saddens me.
I am ready to start again, thank you for your words of "I can do this".
Hi Halibee33!!
I feel so much better when I am not craving carbs...but damn! was that hard to give them all up!! But I am the better for it.
When my hip is giving me an issue, I walk. I need to work out more, but my ortho doc tells me not to over-do it (from my hip replacement 4/1/14!).
I feel such a renewed commitment to the tool, I intend to NEVER go back over 200 pounds, if I can help it!! I am back under now and that is a great feeling.
Add me as a friend and if you are on MyFitnessPal, add me there, too. My handle is megawatt823!

You survived what you thought would kill you. Now straighten your crown and go forward like the Queen you are!