almost 5 years out and regain

on 1/31/14 10:24 am - Au Sable Forks, NY

Hello all,

Well i have come back to OH looking for HELP! I never thought i would be here but i am regaining weight due to stopping exercises and reverting to bad habbits. i though i had this eating thing licked but i guess i was wrong. I have regained up to 225 from my lowest of about 160. 160 is to low for me and i looked bad but felt and looked good around 172, which is also my dr. goal for me. i have come back and will log every day to make myself accountable for the bad decisions i have made regarding food and exercise. I am looking for support is there anyone out there looking for some to? Thanks in advance.

Laura in Texas
on 1/31/14 9:07 pm, edited 2/1/14 9:35 am

Good for you!! Forgive yourself and move forward. You can do it!! I am up a few from the holidays. Weighing, measuring, and tracking do work for me.

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 2/4/14 11:53 pm - Unionville, CT

Hello  I am in the exact same situation as you are and the same weights.  I can not exercise due to medical issues.  I dont know how to get back into eating only

a half cup or just tablespoons of food a day.   I guess I have stretched out my

stomach....My surgeon has left my State and I don't know what to do..I hope you find your way and someone has a suggestion for me..Thank you 


on 1/31/14 9:29 pm

Hi Msshelly

What's great is that you caught yourself now......

Its tough but do-able......I am also working on re-gain......and its slowly coming off.......

I track every day on Myfitnesspal.......and try to get 10,000 steps per fitbit....( fyi I fell at my fitness club last week so nursing a compression fracture - otherwise I lift weights 3X per week and am quite active)

Make a plan...and focus....I have to work hard at this every day.....

Good luck






on 1/31/14 9:40 pm - Au Sable Forks, NY

Thank you for your kind words of encouragement ! I know what I need to do and am starting fresh today ! Positive attitude and determination! 

Melissa R.
on 2/3/14 12:10 pm - Gulfport, FL

Miss Birdie...

I'm finding this to be my challenge as well.  Seems it's part of the post surgery life, huh?

Anyway, I see that you're on Myfitnesspal, too.  I'm curious though as to when you set up your profile, what calorie count you have.  Mine is 1200 daily.  Do you follow what it suggested, or do you tweek it for the bariatric life?


I'm curious..

Thank... Melissa

on 2/5/14 1:20 am

Please visit for inspiration and how to forgive yourselves!!  This is something we will struggle with our entire lives.  Will be praying for all of you!!

on 2/6/14 8:44 pm

Hi Melissa

sorry for the delayed response....just seeing this now

I dont pay attention to what myfitnesspal indicates re what calories count etc "it" thinks I should consume....otherwise I would be eating too much for me......I pay attention to my eats VS the scale and adjust from there.....I use myfitnesspal as a convenience to record and adjust my to answer your question...yes, I adjust for my bariatric life

I actually go in at the end of the day and adjust my days eating if necessary to get an accurate check of what I am doing.....doing all of this has become a priority for me....takes time....but better then sitting like a lump in front of the TV or computer just vegging


Its tough eh?......but do-able....and really absolutely necessary for some of us to keep a lid on our weight and health as we continue on with our lives.....I still have the occasional day where I eat with abandon.....maybe once every month or so....I just get sick of concentrating......but 99% of the time I think of every stinking morsel that goes in my the deal for me


Good luck






Tammi G.
on 2/5/14 2:52 am - San Diego, CA

I'm a little over 3 years out and have experienced some weight gain, myself.  I tried blaming it on stress at work, being too tired to exercise and a myriad of other things, but have to accept that I'm the one in control of what goes in my mouth and how much exercise I get.  I could sit here and beat myself up over it, but I'm committed to never going back to the obese, unhealthy person I was before WLS.  Accountability & honesty are the key.  We all have slip-ups & set-backs.  The fact that you're here, seeking out advice & support is a major step towards getting back on track.  What I'm finding that's working for me is seeking out support groups, whether online or local, and taking myself back to basics.  For exercise, I'm a little limited, due to a rotator cuff injury, but I make certain I walk for at least 30 minutes a day, sometimes more.  I also make sure I start my day with a protein shake - my choice is Optimum Nutrition's Pro Complex, which was recommended by my surgeron - and drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.  Also, weighing & measuring foods is a huge help. Ultimately, getting back to basics is what's helping.  Also, don't be afraid to contact your surgeon's office for some advice.  They're more than happy to help!  Take care!

Living my life for no one but ME!
on 2/6/14 10:01 am - Sacramento, CA

I started to eat not so good and was off my treadmill for at least a year,it was collecting dust.Pants started getting tight!eek! oh,hell no! I don't want to be a statistic......Made myselfstart over.I will never be ok with food!! never never never.I am back on track and lost 5 pounds. Like anyone with an addiction,we cannot let go for a minute!If we do,we get back on!

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