14 months post op so not yet a grad, but questions re: carbs
Hi everyone, I'm 14 months post op and have been below all my goals for several months. (SW 230, CW 112-115). I've steadily been sliding off the wagon more and more frequently, and although my body has been very forgiving, and I can lose a few pounds and stabilize easily with just 1 or 2 days of healthy eating, I am EXTREMELY worried, scared and freaked out by my binging on crap! and how easily it goes down. I'm still in that wonderful honeymoon phase, but this will end soon, I'm sure. Today was the absolute worst day I've had - true confession time... I've been eating non stop all day and unlike my mostly healthy eating habits I've established and come to enjoy, it was all utter crap. At least a dozen cookies, carrot cake with tons of icing, potato chips, cinnamon bun, honey mustard pretzel chunks, the list goes on and on. I'm so upset with myself. This is the kind of behaviour I feared I would return to. The more carbs I eat, the more carbs I want. So, some questions. What is the max amount of carbs per serving in any food that I should aim for, to maintain a low carb diet? What is the max amount of carbs I should have in any one meal or snack. What about on a daily basis? I am a vegetarian and rely on daily protein shakes, Greek yogurt, cheese and protein bars to get my protein requirements. Thank you in advance for any advice and encouragement...I'm really scared and struggling

I started walking everyday (which eventually turned into jogging too!) and stopped buying cookies/cakes/chocolates every single day (I was horrible). I started writing in my food journal everything I put in my mouth and that was really an eye opener as to just how much I was consuming! I'd say you should always shoot for low carb meals when you can. There should be a limit on one "meal". You should always choose high protein and then complex carbs or veggies if you still want more food. It's the hardest thing to do, I know! I struggle all day everyday as I try to instill new healthy habits in my life. You can do it! We'll all cheer you on!
Remember, baby steps! It's a long learning process and you won't know what works best for you and your body until you try new things. Maybe start with 75-100 carbs a day and see how that works with your body/weight for a couple months? I don't mean that in cake and desserts though, I'm talking complex carbs (brown rice, whole grain). Here's an example of foods I eat. In the morning its always eggs (over-easy, scramble, omelet, etc). Lunch is a tuna salad or grilled chicken salad. Dinner is high protein (chicken, beef, steak, shrimp...) with a side salad. Snacks are either almonds/nuts, deli meats, low-carb protein shake, a pickle, fruit/veggies, salad. I just to try to focus on high protein foods and try not to think of high carb foods as an option. It's hard at first, but the longer you do it the more it becomes second nature.
Hope this helps!

*edited to add*
P.S.- Don't try to change your whole life in 1 day. That's too overwhelming and you'll be sure to fail at leading a healthier life.
5" 7' - HW: 328 Current: I stay around 155 :)
"...Because when you stop and look around, this life is pretty amazing."
It's not a good place to be mentally, where you are right now. But it's not the end of the world. Do you have those foods, you know, the carbs you shouldn't be eating in the house? If you do, why? It's much harder to stay on your appropriate eating schedule if you are tempting yourself by them too close at hand. So the first thing I would suggest is clean house, get rid of all the processed carb foods that you know should not be in your house. After you do that then sit down with paper and pen, plan your eating for the next 7 days. Make sure you plan for your allowable snacks too. If you have a plan you are less apt to binge on anything. The third thing you need to do is make sure you are journalling your food intake but also how you're feeling, compliment yourself when you've done well. If you messed up, ask yourself why you messed up, was you feeling down? Did someone say something that made you go chase down food to help you feel better? YOU are the only person who can take control of YOU. If you do not have a well laid out plan then you will be subjecting youself to eating poorly just because it's easier. And remember, you started this journey because you felt you deserved the chance to be/feel healthier. You still deserve that chance, don't you? Don't throw all that away for a bite of food that will be gone once it's past the tongue and laying on your belly!