9 yrs Post Op & Malnourished
on 1/4/14 12:46 am
I am 10 years out and have had a hard time with getting in my vitamins. That is my priority for this new year is to get my nutrients that my body needs. I have also lost several teeth, being a member of the working poor, have insurance but cannot afford to use it :( recently got my blood work checked, due to being tired and had started exercising several months ago, some improvement but knew something was wrong, when I was not progressing like I should. I have to force myself to take vitamins and get at least one protein drink daily. The vitamins sometimes are so hard to keep down that I will throw up. Got a pill crusher and I think that will help. I am able to eat, so that is not an issue for me. When was the last time you had your blood work checked?
I also agree that much of this could be vitamin deficiency related. I would request. My labs for he last year and start. Spread sheet of them. I bet you would soon sees downward trend that your doctors are not even looking for.
Then I would email [email protected] and get on her GBP protocol for vitamins and I would be very proactive for myself. Doctors receive about 2 hours of instruction on vitamins and mineral needs of the body in medical school. That is not enough for. Me,so I advocate for myself.
I wish you all the best and I am very fearful if you don't get on top of this ,you are not going to be with us long and or you are going to develop some irreparable damage.
Pam I just read through all the threads. An endoscopy seems very reasonable, strictures even this far out can happen (although rare it happens). As for the teeth problem it could be twofold.....from vomiting and calcium deficiency. I saw your last labs were in October, do you have copies of those labs? If not, get a copy and look to see what your numbers are and what was tested. I'd be looking at not just calcium levels but also Vitamin D3 25 hydroxy and PTH (parathyroid hormone). If your Vitamin D is low and PTH is high you are leaching calcium from your bones.
Do you know what your protein levels are including albumin and pre-albumin? Has your doctors considered a feeding tube until you can get your health in order. IMO it appears you have several issues possibly going on some vitamin related (vision could be Vitamin A deficency, heart palpatations and hair falling out could be anemia, vitamin D, calcium). The neck, jaw and headaches could be anxiety related possibly. I can't say what is going on but it does appear to possibly be both WLS related and not related.
Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
9 years committed ~ 100% EWL and Maintaining