low blood sugar and B12 diffancy
I need some help i have been having some low blood sugar issues. Even went to the Er basically got turned away just told to eat when it happens. I'm almost 7 yrs out I lost 142 lbs put on about 25 over time and about 2 monthes ago I started clean eating and exercising 5 days a week. Since than I ve lost 16 which is great but these attacks are awful having to monitor blood every couple hours and eat small every 2. Now its affecting my job. I was also told my b12 was around 400 and is wondering if I should suggust the shot seeing how I cant tolerate the pill. I feel sick pretty much everyday now and I'm desperate for some health we are military so my original Dr is far away so I only see who is avaliable on base and not sure if they fully understand my situation. Any help or suggestions are greatly appriceated. Thanks you all.
That is critical: The sublinguals did nothing for me. At the end I was taking 5,000 mcg once or 2 x a day and my B12 was barely 500. I switched to injections. Most people do OK on once a month -1000mcg. That wa snot enough for me.. My B12 was still low for me.. (700) Only when I started doing weekly injection - My b12 got to 1000. Now - I can do that every 10 days.
Initially when my doc heard how much I was doing - he objected to that - until he saw my blood work.. on weekly injections my B12 was 750... (after a week from injections) . My current test show B12 at 1100... That was 10 days after a shot.. My doc are OK with me taking that much and now I even know myself when I need extra...
Remember - too low is not good - but way too high - is not good either. I like my B12 to be 1000-1500. Less than that I can feel it , more than that - would not be good either.
As for hypoglycemia rather Reactive hypoglycemia (RH)- it is very typical post op RNY. I had to adjust my diet very drastically. I had to eliminate starches and gluten. Even most fruits are on the "off" list.
here is some old post ... http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/wls_grads/3453812/Reactive -Hypoglycemia-my-trial-error-research/
also check Melting mama blog and Pam..
A few bloggers that helped me understand the condition...
http://pamtremble.blogspot.com/2010/10/reactive- hypoglycemia-after-bariatric.html
"By Jurriaan Plesman BA(Psych), Post Grad Dip Clin Nutr
What is known as the hypoglycemic diet should really be called the “Natural Diet”. This is the diet that humans have consumed over the millions of years to which our digestive system has adapted. The “Natural Diet” is natural to the individual only and may be different from one person to another. Nordic European people who have consumed milk as part of their diet in their ancestry may have better tolerance to cow’s milk, than those people whose ancestry was not exposed to that kind of milk as in Asia or Africa. Southern European with a long history of alcohol consumption are more tolerant of alcohol than people for whom alcohol was never part in the hereditary diet, such as Australian aborigines....(>>"
New Data on Weight Gain Following Bariatric Surgery
Gastric bypass surgery has long been considered the gold standard for weight loss. However, recent studies have revealed that this particular operation can lead to potential weight gain years later. Lenox Hill Hospital’s Chief of Bariatric Surgery, Mitchell Roslin, MD, was the principal investigator of the Restore Trial – a national ten center study investigating whether an endoscopic suturing procedure to reduce the size of the opening between the gastric pouch of the bypass and the intestine could be used to control weight gain in patients following gastric bypass surgery. The concept for the trial originated when Dr. Roslin noticed a pattern of weight gain with a significant number of his patients, years following gastric bypass surgery. While many patients could still eat less than before the surgery and become full faster, they would rapidly become hungry and feel light headed, especially after consuming simple carbohydrates, which stimulate insulin production.
The results of the Restore Trial, which were published in January 2011, did not confirm the original hypothesis – there was no statistical advantage for those treated with suturing. However, they revealed something even more important. The data gathered during the trial and the subsequent glucose tolerance testing verified that patients who underwent gastric bypass surgery and regained weight were highly likely to have reactive hypoglycemia, a condition in which blood glucose drops below the normal level, one to two hours after ingesting a meal high in carbs. Dr. Roslin and his colleagues theorized that the rapid rise in blood sugar – followed by a swift exaggerated plunge – was caused by the absence of the pyloric valve, a heavy ring of muscle that regulates the rate at which food is released from the stomach into the small intestine. The removal of the pyloric valve during gastric bypass surgery causes changes in glucose regulation that lead to inter-meal hunger, impulse-snacking, and consequent weight regain.
Dr. Roslin and his team decided to investigate whether two other bariatric procedures that preserve the pyloric valve – sleeve gastrectomy and duodenal switch – would lead to better glucose regulation, thus suppressing weight regain. The preliminary data of this current study shows that all three operations initially reduce fasting insulin and glucose. However, when sugar and simple carbs are consumed, gastric bypass patients have a 20-fold increase in insulin production at six months, compared to a 4-fold increase in patients who have undergone either a sleeve gastrectomy or a duodenal switch procedure. The dramatic rise in insulin in gastric bypass patients causes a rapid drop in glucose, promoting hunger and leading to increased food consumption.
“Based on these results, I believe that bariatric procedures that preserve the pyloric valve lead to better physiologic glucose regulation and ultimately more successful long-term maintenance of weight-loss,” said Dr. Roslin.
http://www.lenoxhillhospital.org/press_releases.aspx? id=2106
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
You can PM me or post here what thou eat and I cash tell you if I would get reaction tho that.
There is a lot of "healthy " things that may cause RH for me. Unfortunately I had to eliminate that from my diet. Most grains, bread, milk, pasta, potatoes etc are on my 'can't east that even with proteins' list.
There may be 3 ( or more) things happening:
- you body makes too much insulin all the time and that's why you crash
- you body produces too much insulin in response to your diet
- you body does not make enough cortisone (adrenal insufficient - of any type.
It can be something else. It can be a combination of the 3 above.
After a lot of tests my doc found out that not only my body makes too much insulin in response to food - but I also have adrenal insufficiency and need to supplement for that.
I still have to control my eating... But I no longer get really low BS . I can exercise again (but have to remember I need extra hormone - hydrocortisone) and so on.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
I had Gastric By pass in 2004 and ovver the last 2 years have had to battle low sugars , My A1C blood work was always in the good range 5.5 ... So they never connected my episodes as they called them to sugar ... I had BS was dropping in the 20's and I would black they said it was some form of a siezure ... Finally my primary Dr said she had done some research on BY pass and complications and decided to put me through Fast and also to put me into a Hypoglycemic episode and blood was drawn... I know am seeing a special Endocrinology team down in the city and they have been working with my diet and some medication .. I am now one the second medication and with different Protein drink and limiting my carbs to 10 a day I have had 3 successful days blood sure is stable at 70-86 .. Will be intersting to see how long this will work for me ..
No matter what I have no regrets of my choice of my Bypass surgery would do it in a heart all over .. I lost 207 lbs in 2004 and have kept it off ... Have stayed with in a 5 lb range since reaching my goal .... I just want encourage you to keep searching and reading online and sharing what you find in the research with your Dr's .. There has to be a way to mange and live a life healthy and balanced .. Message me if you ever need to talk .. I will be more than happy to share what my Dr's do for me .. I am encouraged finally.. Just remember Low Blood sugars is very serious if it is really low ...
Thanks for your response Im now eating every two hours protein and a complex carb. Issue is when I eat I get sick and have dihera so it is scary seen Bariatric today going to have some more test done. Ive been testing myself and find about a hour after I eat is when i have a episode. I have not passed out yet but Im so scared if i do I wont wake up. So when I get super light headed i eat peanut butter or if its real severe have to take sugar pills. Been to Er twice this week all test coming back good but im sick all day either icky stomach times 10 and diheria or light head during certain times. Im going to have some test done with my baratrici dr and see if anything else comes up. I told him its so werid to have sugar dips when I dont eat anything bad. Feeling really discouraged though so thanks again.
I am so grateful I found this thread .. It is a wealth of information ... I am 8 years out and havelost 207 lbs severe low blood sugars ..Over the last 4 months I have missed at least one day a week at work ... To much activity brings on my low sugars plus my diet . Have been so so many Dr's they put me on a new medication this week called Acarbose I take this before eating any of my meals .. With all the information on this thread I have my hope restored I am going to tweak my diet even more .. I also started a new Protein drink ISOPURE zero carb .. Yesterday was my 1st normal day I have had in month then to find this thread I dont feel alone .. I am truly encouraged ! :-) Let's keep this topic alive so others can be helped also !! Thanks to all that have posted !!