Weight gain/Bipolar

on 5/8/13 4:40 am, edited 5/8/13 4:47 am

I have gained weight and I cannot get it off. I am trying everything. But I will not let these 25+ lbs. defeat me. I WILL LOSE THEM! I am almost 4 years out with bipolar disorder. I believe my meds. are partially to blame since I did not gain until last year when meds. were changed. (My diagnosis did not come until the 2nd year out when I was in honeymoon phase and lost down to 118 lbs.)

I was hoping someone could give me tips other than the usual watch proteins, fluids, carbs, sugars, calories, exercise, log food and take vitamins. I eat between 800-1000 cal., exercise 2 miles a day walking with yoga 2-3 a week, drink my fluids, take my vitamins, do not eat allowance of sugars or carbs and keep protein up while keeping calories down to try to lose.      


I wanted to ask doctor to change my meds. but I do not know what meds. will assist with weight loss. I know everyone is different but I do not know what to do.

I have failed myself by gaining this weight but I REFUSE TO KEEP IT! NO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES!


The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.

In Christ



Karen K.
on 5/10/13 5:46 am - Weymouth, MA

Hi there,

I feel a need to respond because I am in such a similar boat.  Am 6 years out and started at 260 and have made it to as low as 155 lbs.....this wasn't that long ago....and apparently I was a bit too thin (5'7") because I started to get that facial gaunt and some of my friends were "concerned"....of course I ignored them all :)......but things had to change in my personal life and a big part of that was finally getting effective treatment for my bipolar illness.  I actually went out on short term disability from work to take the time to find the right med ****tail.  Pretty quickly on a couple of the anti-psychotics I felt the weight come on....but that was mainly due to the fact that the meds made me ravenous all the time and I couldn't control my appetite.  I told my dr that this side effect was not an option for me so we continued to try different things.  I am finally on a combo that is working well for me....but the end result is I have about an extra 15 lbs on me.  It's interesting too that my newfound weight seems to be in my belly and upper body which aren't usually my bigger parts.  I joke that at least there is one good thing about the weight gain:  my rack is back!  lol

I am very clear today that I would rather be a little bigger and stable than thin and crazy.  I can't be sure that my current meds aren't also causing weight gain but I avoid scales so I will go by my clothes.  I haven't been compliant with my post WLS care, so I am focusing again on the nutrition etc that I haven't really been too good with. 

I wish you the best of luck!!  I commend you for being so vigilant with your WLS compliance and all your healthy habits.  I am, like you, so worried that I may go back to whence I came.  hugs


on 5/11/13 1:34 am


The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.

In Christ



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