5 Day Pouch Test - anyone else starting it today?
Hi, all! I'm just over 2 years out and I've been very successful with my weight loss. However, my exercising has slacked off and I've been overloading on crackers the past 2 months. I've gained 11 pounds back just since January. It's time for me to take back control over my mind and body. I'm beginning the 5 day pouch test today and am looking for some support. I am committing to get back on track and lose this weight I've regained. Is anyone else starting the 5 DPT today or this week? If so, let's encourage one another!!
Happy Monday!
Hope you are doing well with your 5DPT! I tried to get a little group going here but everyone who said they would do it disappeared. For me, it only proved to feel very discouraging posting each day with no one in the game. Next time around - and I will do again because it does work to shake off the carbs. I will do alone or enlist 1 other person to text and or phone with.
All best. It really is worth doing.
I'd be happy to buddy up with you the next time you're ready to do it. It's always easier to do something when you have someone to do it with

Hi! Great results for you! I've also done very well, lost 3 lbs. So motivated again. My stomach is back to little again! I hadnt gain a lot of weight back but also had the carb cravings bad!! Now, day 5 and determined to stay on track. Thanks for the reply's . Maybe we could be friends on FB if you would like. Let me know