Paleo diet?
hi i'm 3.5 years out with a vsg, i've had a 30 pound regain in the last 2 years..but in the last 2 yearsive been suffering from chronic migraines, severe dizziness, blurry vision, brain fog..some days i'm so bad i'm in bed anywhere from 2-5 days..the migraines and dizziness are a constant everyday thing. i'm currently seeing 4 specialists and am on so much medication..i don't eat right, there are some days i don't eat or i will only eat once, i don't hardly drink at all, i've been reachering migraine diet and all of the things to cut out and there are some similarities between this diet and the paleo diet but i was wondering if anyone has tried the paleo diet?
So sorry to hear you are having so many issues.... just a few thoughts... Paleo is a pretty good way of eating. My rule is stay as close to real foods as possible (I can't eat breads/pasta of any kind due to sensitivities to all the preservatives).
As for your migraines... I was stuck in rebound migraines forever!!! I went through the Kaiser Neurology Clinic and all the terrible meds they put you on... then was misdiagnosed with food allergies and followed THAT diet for a couple of years before I found out they were 'misdiagnosed' allergies... and then someone recommended I go see an Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) doctor.
Come to find out, my septum was deviated to one side and he said we could do surgery to fix it and it would likely get rid of majority of my migraines. I was skeptical!! After all the specialists I'd seen, the neurology center, etc... could it really be as simple as a deviated septum??? Well... it was. I opted to have the surgery. It was out patient. Not too bad, other than the sinus rinsing is a bit uncomfortable. It changed my life!~ My migraines nearly disappeared!!!! So I recommend to everyone 'stuck' in rebound migraines to at least be checked by an ENT. It really could be that simple. And if not, then hopefully, an Endocrinologist or someone can find a hormonal reason for them.
Search for the root cause... I know it's hard and you want to treat the headaches themselves, but something is causing them. Best wishes to you!!! I hope you are able to resolve the problem soon.
Sorry you are not feeling well. I have looked into the Paleo diet a bit. I am already gluten free, so the transition shouldn't be too hard. I have Crohn's Disease and might benefit more by doing the Paleo.
It is worth a try to feel better. Even eating very clean for a few days and doing a liquid detox might help. The other thing, if you are using any fake sugar at all, stop using it. Migraines are one of the first symptoms of having a fake sugar intolerance. Regular sugar would be better than the fake stuff. It can build up in your system as a toxin and so it will take a bit to get out of your system if you have been using it alot. I feel tons better when I do not use it. If I do have to use the fake stuff, I use stevia. Still not the best for you, but a bit more on the natural end.
FYI, one of the side effects of my wheat intolerance is my ears plugging and a headache. This also happens to me with certain preservatives. I never have had a migraine, but if you have an intolerance it might be showing itself with a migraine and sinus issues, such as ears plugging and causing dizziness. Intolerances will not show in allergy tests, because they do not effect the histamines in your body, but the symptoms from an intolerance can be worse than dealing with an allergy. At least with an allergy, a pill can usually help.
Best wishes on finding out what is causing your migraines and what will help.

“Not many of us are living at our best. We linger in the lowlands because we are afraid to climb the mountains. The steepness and ruggedness dismay us, and so we stay in the misty valleys and do not learn the mystery of the hills. We do not know what we lose in our self indulgence. What glory awaits us if only we had the courage for the mountain climb. What blessing we should find if only we would move to the uplands of God.? JRM
I did the Primal Blueprint 21 Day Total Body Transformation Challenge and lost 8lbs of excess almost effortlessly. It comes with a workbook and shopping list and all shorts of challenges/activities to get you moving and understanding your new way of eating. Primal is very similar to Paleo. You can read about my experience here:
Good luck! MBL
I follow a Paleo diet. I've had no regain. But I didn't lose all I wanted to, either.
I recently did the Atkins Induction before switching over to Paleo. I've had problems with headaches, dizziness, lethargy, cravings, mood swings... they all went away when I did that.
While there's so many possible reasons for how you feel, unstable blood sugar or grain intolerances would be the best dietary guess.
My first week on Atkins sucked. You wanna talk brain fog? I went to the store several times not knowing what in the world I was even there for. They must've thought I was nuts, coming and going repeatedly, wandering through aisles barely able to remember my name. But when that cleared up I got a great deal of clarity, not to mention no more mood swings and I hardly had headaches anymore. I was having them daily.
Atkins proved too harsh on my gastrointestinal system to stay on long term, but it's a good "detox." I now follow paleo but with a low glycemic twist. I don't eat potatoes, for instance, but I do eat winter squash. Which for Atkins, is considered too high carb. But I get no symptoms of my blood sugar spiking, so I don't worry about it.