You won't regain the weight you loose if you follow this plan of eating
I hve not been on the forum for a while and stopped by today. I am seeing so many posts about weight regain. I have been responding to all of them with the same message: do the Paleo or Primal lifestyle after weight loss surgery. I follow the Primal BluePrint (very similar to Paleo but allows some dairy) and it has enabled me to keep my 100 lb weight loss from RNY off for 10-years.
I highly recommend the Primal BluePrint 21-Day Total Body Transformation to WLSers wanting to transition to this plan of eating. It is a 21-day plan that guides you through shopping and stocking your pantry, exercises, daily affirmation and challenges, and of course eating. I wrote all about my 21-day total body transformation on HealthCentral. You can read the series of articles beginning here:
The Paleo and Primal diets coordinate with the recommended eating plan for WLSers as stated in the Pouch Rules for Dummies. You can read more about that in my article here:
I hope that these articles are of help. I cannot emphasize enough the vital importance of eating this way in your ability to lose weight and keep it off for the rest of your life. Cheers to lifetime obesity management!
Living life well-fed,
My Bariatric Life
i really like the information of this site: Has the "pouch rules for Dummies" guide on it. Fantastic reminder for us all. Also I like the application which is free. I've been using it for a daily diary and it really helps keep me accountable. It helps me, who is a food addict, on tract. blessings, Tamilynn
I hve not been on the forum for a while and stopped by today. I am seeing so many posts about weight regain. I have been responding to all of them with the same message: do the Paleo or Primal lifestyle after weight loss surgery. I follow the Primal BluePrint (very similar to Paleo but allows some dairy) and it has enabled me to keep my 100 lb weight loss from RNY off for 10-years.
I highly recommend the Primal BluePrint 21-Day Total Body Transformation to WLSers wanting to transition to this plan of eating. It is a 21-day plan that guides you through shopping and stocking your pantry, exercises, daily affirmation and challenges, and of course eating. I wrote all about my 21-day total body transformation on HealthCentral. You can read the series of articles beginning here:
The Paleo and Primal diets coordinate with the recommended eating plan for WLSers as stated in the Pouch Rules for Dummies. You can read more about that in my article here:
I hope that these articles are of help. I cannot emphasize enough the vital importance of eating this way in your ability to lose weight and keep it off for the rest of your life. Cheers to lifetime obesity management!
Living life well-fed,
My Bariatric Life
Your link to Pouch Rules for Dummies does not work.
I'd like to ask a sily question. I am 5 years out was following the rules pretty regular until about 2 years ago, lost and looked great (other than sagging skin). I was exercising daily and lifting weights and in the best shape of my life. But my husband got very sick and i needed to tend to him and my weight loss and health got put on the back burner. I gained about 25 lbs during this timerame. I have found it very difficult to get back into my weight loss and weight maintenance. Is it ever too late to start utilizing the Pouch Rules for Dummies? I am so frustrated because i am at a loss as to what to do and what to follow
It's never too late! I am 6.5 years out and have kept off 125 pounds. However, my original loss was 150 lbs, so yes, I've gained some weight.
It only takes choosing to eat better. I'm buying more things like fish, ground turkey and pork tenderloin, spinach and squash, tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers, and throwing together with brown rice or quinoa or whatever healthy grain I want. It's easy! I have some recipes on my blog; in fact, the last three or four are perfect examples of what I'm talking about.
Also, supplement with protein drinks and make sure you're not drinking with meals. I know that's annoying, but it's worth it, trust me. :)
Here's my blog for those recipes:
Keep in mind that not all my recipes are bariatric safe, they're just for regular people, as I work for a tv station and write recipes for the general public. Working on adding more healthy ones lately that everyone will like.
Just know that I am losing weight eating this way, and you can, too. Being years out doesn't mean your body can't lose weight anymore. It can!

Extended tummy tuck/hernia repair on July 28, 2008! Five pounds of skin removed!
Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice. ~W.D
Weight at surgery on July 26, 2006: 304 lbs
Lowest weight: 147 (157 pounds lost!)
Regain over the past 2 years (2012-2014) - 59 pounds
REBOOTING! :) Working on losing back down to 160 (beginning Jan. 18, 2015)
It is not too late. You can return to the pouch rules at any time and they will work even if you have stretched your pouch:
Note that there is no grain in the ideal bariatric meal. Read this to learn what to put on your plate:
I wish you lots of luck in getting back on track. You can do it!!!