Thinking about surgery...
Hi. I'm new here so if this is in the wrong place, I apologize.
I'm considering the gastric bypass surgery. I've been over 300lbs for at least 6 years now and I am in desperate need of a change, for both my health, family and hobby. I have struggled with my weight since I was little. Skinny as a bean pole when I was about 6 and 7, then started plumnping a little after age 8 and was never thin again. So far I've been luck enough to have no medical issues from my weight but my luck will run out soon if I don't do something. I tried Alli a few years ago and lost about 20lbs, but that was it. I joined a gym last year, did straight cardio for about an hour, ate right, only drank water and in 2 months had only lost 5 lbs. >:(
I reeeeally want to have the surgery. I'm 23 and I've never been to the beach!!! I've had the oppertunity, but it would require my to be in baggy shorts and a tshirt for the whole day, not to mention probably a crabby attitude.
Can anyone tell me the pros and cons? What your experiences were and what to look out for? I read somewhere that it can make your hair thin or fall out and honestly, that kind of freaked me out a bit. :/ Will I have to have reconstructive surgery? Is the weightloss worth it? Would you do it again?
Thank you in advance for all stories and advice! :)
I'm considering the gastric bypass surgery. I've been over 300lbs for at least 6 years now and I am in desperate need of a change, for both my health, family and hobby. I have struggled with my weight since I was little. Skinny as a bean pole when I was about 6 and 7, then started plumnping a little after age 8 and was never thin again. So far I've been luck enough to have no medical issues from my weight but my luck will run out soon if I don't do something. I tried Alli a few years ago and lost about 20lbs, but that was it. I joined a gym last year, did straight cardio for about an hour, ate right, only drank water and in 2 months had only lost 5 lbs. >:(
I reeeeally want to have the surgery. I'm 23 and I've never been to the beach!!! I've had the oppertunity, but it would require my to be in baggy shorts and a tshirt for the whole day, not to mention probably a crabby attitude.
Can anyone tell me the pros and cons? What your experiences were and what to look out for? I read somewhere that it can make your hair thin or fall out and honestly, that kind of freaked me out a bit. :/ Will I have to have reconstructive surgery? Is the weightloss worth it? Would you do it again?
Thank you in advance for all stories and advice! :)
It's not the easy way out but it worked for me. It's been an emotional journey because I had to face the reasons why I got fat to begin with and why dieting didn't work for me. Why I was sabotaging my own weight loss for years..
Then there's the whole *scheme of things* that keeps us where we are..where our spouses and families see themselves in relation to us..where our friends see themselves in relation to's quite mental, actually..
The pros are all the things you want in being normal know what that is..being able to tie your shoes without getting out of breathe..being able to buckle an airplane seat without an extender, being able to sit in a restaurant problem.. roller coaster, better sex..riding a bicycle..jogging! walking up stairs and not being red faced..
The cons are the mental issues that you will have are ones in your marriage (he'll think you're gonna find someone better now that yo tare gorgeous)..your friends who are fat won't want to hang out with you cuz you make them look far fatter than they used to..your kids will think you're all full of yourself now that you have to pay more attention to your own health..your job and all your relationships may suffer because of the hormone raging and mood swings..asside from the psycological stuff there is the real possibility that you won't be able to eat something (or several things) ever again..some friends can't eat chicken ever again, some pork, some can't eat beef again. Or like me, white bread, pasta, sugar..all are my food addiction. And that's physical but also emotional because food becomes a drug over years and years. You have a schedule of things you can eat for weeks at a time. You have to be able to follow directions to the cheating. Measure your portions all the time for the first few years..and sometimes forever after that (like me) .You have to deal with sarcastic people maybe even saying to your face that you can't do it and what are you gonna do with yourself if you fail this *diet* too? Jealousy, insecurity...all that stuff. EVERYTHING CHANGES..even if you don't want it to or expect it to..
Then there's the whole *scheme of things* that keeps us where we are..where our spouses and families see themselves in relation to us..where our friends see themselves in relation to's quite mental, actually..
The pros are all the things you want in being normal know what that is..being able to tie your shoes without getting out of breathe..being able to buckle an airplane seat without an extender, being able to sit in a restaurant problem.. roller coaster, better sex..riding a bicycle..jogging! walking up stairs and not being red faced..
The cons are the mental issues that you will have are ones in your marriage (he'll think you're gonna find someone better now that yo tare gorgeous)..your friends who are fat won't want to hang out with you cuz you make them look far fatter than they used to..your kids will think you're all full of yourself now that you have to pay more attention to your own health..your job and all your relationships may suffer because of the hormone raging and mood swings..asside from the psycological stuff there is the real possibility that you won't be able to eat something (or several things) ever again..some friends can't eat chicken ever again, some pork, some can't eat beef again. Or like me, white bread, pasta, sugar..all are my food addiction. And that's physical but also emotional because food becomes a drug over years and years. You have a schedule of things you can eat for weeks at a time. You have to be able to follow directions to the cheating. Measure your portions all the time for the first few years..and sometimes forever after that (like me) .You have to deal with sarcastic people maybe even saying to your face that you can't do it and what are you gonna do with yourself if you fail this *diet* too? Jealousy, insecurity...all that stuff. EVERYTHING CHANGES..even if you don't want it to or expect it to..
Yes, RNY worked for me but it also requires a lot of work from me!
Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
Thank you :)
Luckily, and unluckily I guess, I have no signifigant other to speak of and a super supportive family. I actually have no fat friends either, I've always been the fat one. We thicker girls are not a common sight in the horse showing industry :/
I'm very excited about the prospect of finally being healthy and not have to think about things that normal sized people don't think about, like walking across a wooden porch and not being terrified the boards will buckle, or sitting in a plastic chair, etc. But, the bypass is a BIG decision and some days I'm so psyched and others I'm terrified and then others I'm embarrassed that I even need it. So, that's why I want to learn as much as I possibly can about it so I can make an informed, smart decision.
Luckily, and unluckily I guess, I have no signifigant other to speak of and a super supportive family. I actually have no fat friends either, I've always been the fat one. We thicker girls are not a common sight in the horse showing industry :/
I'm very excited about the prospect of finally being healthy and not have to think about things that normal sized people don't think about, like walking across a wooden porch and not being terrified the boards will buckle, or sitting in a plastic chair, etc. But, the bypass is a BIG decision and some days I'm so psyched and others I'm terrified and then others I'm embarrassed that I even need it. So, that's why I want to learn as much as I possibly can about it so I can make an informed, smart decision.
It's good that you are thinking about the whole big picture, because just having surgery doesn't change your life, except for the part that now you are healty, now you can walk into the store and buy something off the rack, now you won't be the biggest person in the room. Those are all HUGE things, but the issues you have with food and eating now will still be there. That's why many of us start to gain back, because this has to be approached like an alcoholic faces drinking- you can't jump off the wagon without consequences. It's a life-long change, that has to be addressed daily. Sometime it's the hardest thing in the world to take good care of yourself. And yes, my hair thinned out when the weight was falling off, but it grows back in. Yes, I have some baggy skin, but I was a lot older than you, so I don't have much elastic in my skin. You have young skin, so there's no telling what might happen.
I'd still do it again, my only regret is that I didn't do it sooner. But it's a very personal decision, because only you can manage yourself...
I'd still do it again, my only regret is that I didn't do it sooner. But it's a very personal decision, because only you can manage yourself...
The first thing I say is that YOU are the only one who can decide if this is right for you right now. It is a life long change, it's not Weigh****chers or anything else where you can do it for a few weeks and then stop.
That being said, I am 43 years old and have weighed over 200 pounds since I was 13 years old. I started the process 5 years ago and never followed through (it wasn't my time). Last summer I decided to try again and the timing was right. It was a long, difficult process. I had surgery on 2/13/12. I have had some hair loss, which freaked me out too, but I wouldn't have changed what I did for anything. The weight loss is worth it but even more it's controlling my diabetes, reduced my cholesterol and blood pressure and giving me a greater sense of worth.
I would recommend contacting surgeons or surgical centers in your area. I believe most provide some kind of information seminars and support groups. Attend a few support groups and talk directly to people who had the surgery.
Is it scary? Yes, but at the end of it all - it is totally worth it.
That being said, I am 43 years old and have weighed over 200 pounds since I was 13 years old. I started the process 5 years ago and never followed through (it wasn't my time). Last summer I decided to try again and the timing was right. It was a long, difficult process. I had surgery on 2/13/12. I have had some hair loss, which freaked me out too, but I wouldn't have changed what I did for anything. The weight loss is worth it but even more it's controlling my diabetes, reduced my cholesterol and blood pressure and giving me a greater sense of worth.
I would recommend contacting surgeons or surgical centers in your area. I believe most provide some kind of information seminars and support groups. Attend a few support groups and talk directly to people who had the surgery.
Is it scary? Yes, but at the end of it all - it is totally worth it.
Do It. Do It, Do it. It was the best decision I ever made. I had a few complications. I needed my gall bladder removed. I also had a iron deficiency I had to get under control with medication, But I would not change it for the world. I am so much happier. Don't let anyone talk you out of it. Read my profile to get more info.
I read your blog entries April. Congrats on the amazing weight loss!!! :D
I have decided to definitely pursue the surgery option. I think it's what's best for me and the timing feels so right that I almost can't sit still from all the excitement! I know it'll be tough but being fat is the toughest thing I have ever had to deal with so, I think I'll make it through this. I may hit some bumps along the way but I think I'll pull through
I have decided to definitely pursue the surgery option. I think it's what's best for me and the timing feels so right that I almost can't sit still from all the excitement! I know it'll be tough but being fat is the toughest thing I have ever had to deal with so, I think I'll make it through this. I may hit some bumps along the way but I think I'll pull through

Mini Gastric Bypass on 11/29/10
Let me give one more thing that might help. I was 53 when I had my surgery and weight 334 lbs. I had total knee replacement, double bypass surgery, taking 4 shots of insulin a day and on all types of meds I tell you this to give an example of what can happen when carrier the extra weight around for years. When I was thinking about having surgery my wife and I attended a seminar with one of the local doctors. After it was done I was ready to have the surgery and my wife(she is a nurse) she decided to have it to .
So we had the surgery on the same day and yes it is work and yes you cannot eat all the foods you use too but it's the food that gets you there in the first place. I will tell you the life changes you have after the surgery make it all worth it. I am off all the meds I was taking I go to the gym 5 days a week. I feel great.
Now let tell you the best part. My son weight more than I did I believe around 400 lbs so we included him as well. His surgery was 2 weeks after ours. Oh by the way he is 22 years old. Now I will tell you he a little bit of hard time with his surgery I believe because that was the first time anything like that ever happened to him before. My wife and I did fine after surgery.
His surgery was 12/10 an he as lost over 200 lbs. He is now working with a trainer working on the extra skin. He continues to this day losing weight. It has been a life changing experience for him and we made sure he really understood how life would be different but at the same time he saw the things that happened to me. He thinks it is the best thing he has ever done
I hope this will help. If you would like more information on bypass surgery seen me an email at [email protected] and I will send you a booklet I got off a web site. This gives you all the information from when you decide to have surgery all the steps before and after. I read this book more than I want to count to make sure I understood everything about the process. Great stuff.
Good luck!!!!!!
Gastric Bypass 11/29/2010
Beginning Weight 334
lowest weight 166 LBS
total loss 168 LBS
So we had the surgery on the same day and yes it is work and yes you cannot eat all the foods you use too but it's the food that gets you there in the first place. I will tell you the life changes you have after the surgery make it all worth it. I am off all the meds I was taking I go to the gym 5 days a week. I feel great.
Now let tell you the best part. My son weight more than I did I believe around 400 lbs so we included him as well. His surgery was 2 weeks after ours. Oh by the way he is 22 years old. Now I will tell you he a little bit of hard time with his surgery I believe because that was the first time anything like that ever happened to him before. My wife and I did fine after surgery.
His surgery was 12/10 an he as lost over 200 lbs. He is now working with a trainer working on the extra skin. He continues to this day losing weight. It has been a life changing experience for him and we made sure he really understood how life would be different but at the same time he saw the things that happened to me. He thinks it is the best thing he has ever done
I hope this will help. If you would like more information on bypass surgery seen me an email at [email protected] and I will send you a booklet I got off a web site. This gives you all the information from when you decide to have surgery all the steps before and after. I read this book more than I want to count to make sure I understood everything about the process. Great stuff.
Good luck!!!!!!
Gastric Bypass 11/29/2010
Beginning Weight 334
lowest weight 166 LBS
total loss 168 LBS