lactose intolerance?
Thanks for the replies everyone. I am in tears - the cramping, the bloating, the explosive diarrhea - I have it all. I've lost weight because of the last part but will put it back on. I've been to my family doc and they did all kinds of testing - C. Diff, Giardia, etc but could find nothing and finally concluded it must be some kind of "Norwalk thing". Then it came back and after the blue cheese incident I'm convinced that this is probably what it is. Now on top of sugar (diabetes), wheat and other grains (celiac Disease), carbohydrates and fats (duming), I am going to have to give up milk and cheese. I'm starting to wonder what's left.

Goats milk is for those with a lactose intolerance. Try picking up some nice goats milk and goats milk cheese. There is also yogurt and ice cream. Sometimes you have to look a little harder, but it's worth it. The fat molecules are different, so digested different.
I can do hard things, life is teaching me that I can.
Lost 222lbs with rny, 20 lbs regain.
Plastics, July 2010 with Dr. Sauceda in Monterrey, Mexico
I'm pretty sure that's what I'm going through also. Early out I couldn't tolerate milk, then everything was fine. Now when I drink it I bloat up almost instantly. I'm going back to soy milk. Cheese products do not bother me though.
Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
9 years committed ~ 100% EWL and Maintaining
My doctor informed me that most people develop some degree of lactose intolerance with age. In thinking back to before my surgery, I think that I was already beginning to become lactose intolerant before surgery, but it was not so pronounced that I was able to identify it until I had the surgery. Then I suddenly and violently exhibited symptoms of lactose intolerance. It has improved over the past year to the point that I can eat hard cheeses, and yogurt, but milk?..... forget about it. I can't tolerate much sour cream, or real cream etc.
Thanks Carol. Did it improve because you stayed away from lactose or were you taking the lactaid? I am already so limited by my food choices due to diabetes, celiac disease and gastric bypass and I take enough medication as well that I really want to be sure before I start limiting myself even more.