Accountability - Saturday

Not the Same Dawn
on 7/16/11 1:34 pm - BEE EFF EEE, CA
This is one of those Saturdays that I didn't do what I was suppose to. I thought I was doing okay but then I got my stats together and I really messed up. For one thing, I didn't eat enough and then when I did go to eat, I couldn't.

See, we had a barbecue and I thought "Wow, I have grapefruit juice and some vodka...maybe that would be good to consume some of that.." And when it tasted so good, I had  a second drink..what could it hurt? I didn't have to drive..didn't have anywhere to go..OMG..I haven't been that sick in for EVER..

So here's what I ate today:




double espresso latte

1 oz cheddar and 1 pc turkey ham.

2 scrambled eggs, tomatoe slices and a slice of rye toast without the crust..filled me up cuz I hadn't eaten anything like I usually do.

24 oz container of water

24 oz container of water

24 oz container of water

Grey hound: 2 oz vodka, 4 oz grapefruit juice (yummy..) iwith about that much ice.

Greyhouse: 1 oz vodka and 4 more ounces of grapefruit juice..(started getting really loopy)

Dinner: a 1/3 lb burger with cheese on a sandwich thin with tomato slices..but only ate a third of it before I got sick..I tried to eat alittle more and got sick again..I managed to eat 2/3 of the burger but I'm sure none of it stuck with me. I was getting really scared at this point.

24 oz container of ice water..plain..That came up too but I kept trying until I got the whole container down..scary! 2 hours later, I'm feeling more like myself and not the falling down drunk that I was doing such a good imitation of mid section hurts from barfing..

I'm sitting here knowing that I need to eat something but only brave enough to drink water..maybe later. MUCH later..

So here are my totals, including 1/2 of that burger..but hasn't been consumed, for sure!

Calories: 1052
Fat: 47.7
Carbs: 69.3
Protein: 61.6

I think maybe I'll have some yogurt and another container of water..I feel pretty darn stupid but maybe I have learned.

Hope you all had a better evening than I had..well, I had a great evening going but completely ruined it..
Yes, RNY worked for me but it also requires a lot of work from me!

Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
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