Anybody 5-6 years out and maintaining without a struggle?

on 7/15/11 3:16 pm
August is my 6 yrs out. I'm maintaining well, keeping it off, and feeling well.
I read the boards pretty often, but don't see many of us who are doing well over time. I mostly see people who seem to be regaining, or aren't satisfied with thier loss.
I realise many of us may have simply moved on in living normal lives, and maybe not have time for the boards these days. I don't post as much as I used to, but I read frequently.
Can we get a few oldies but goodies to post how you're doing with keeping it off, and if it's a struggle, or if you have settled into a weight and no longer have to fight to maintain a level weight.
For myself, I'm stable, I regained about 10 pounds that I fought for a few years, but just said to hell with it, I'm mid-fifties, and that 10 pounds isn't going to kill me.  Since i stopped worrying with it, I've remained stable with the extra 10, and easily stay the same weight.
I eat pretty much anything, but have lost my taste for the sweets, even though I haven't been a dumper. I try to do protein, then veggies, then carbs if any room is left. I still have good restriction, and know ehn to say no.
So how;s it going oldtimers???
on 7/16/11 11:17 am - Random Lake, WI
 I am still at goal +/-5 pounds.

I don't think I struggle: I just excercise like a monkey.

on 7/24/11 9:48 am - IA
 I'm 8 yrs out of RXNY. Started at 330, down to 204 within a year, bounced back up to 240 the past couple of years and am now at 230(I'm very active outside in the summer). I'm very disappointed in my weight loss, I had hoped to lose another 50# initially before I "had to really work at it." Now it is a struggle all the time, although when I gain, it is much slower than pre-surgery. I hate to exercise and have very little time- I take care of my disabled husband and daughter besides having two jobs and growing most of our own produce. I have so much loose skin/flab in my lower belly that I still have to buy clothes a size bigger than the rest of my body.I've had too many abdominal surgeries for the surgeon to ok a panny, besides, I have huge hernias from a hysterectomy a couple of years ago. No easy answers, it just takes hard work and diligence. I commend all of you who have done the work and are reaping the benefits!
Michelle from Iowa
Not the Same Dawn
on 7/16/11 1:22 pm - BEE EFF EEE, CA
I'm just five years out.

I am maintaining basically without too much struggle. Actually, I have people tell me that I make it look too easy but it is a mental journey now so it's less evident how much struggle i have..

I'm 53 this year. My goal weight was 125, I got down to momentarilly to 117 due to stress and I waiver between 124 and 129..

I still measure all my food and journal it..keeping protein about 30%..I stay away from sugar as completely as humanly possible and steer clear of white carbs (bread, pasta, rice) and that's about it. I do move more..walk further and faster than I used to but don't lift weights or do zumba or go to the gym at all. I may start back on Wii Fit but that's still up in the air cuz it seems like too much work for me.

I still obsess about my vitamins and getting in a gallon of water a day..
Yes, RNY worked for me but it also requires a lot of work from me!

Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
on 7/16/11 9:03 pm, edited 7/16/11 9:04 pm - Richmond, IN
Hi Sally! My business and life in general has kept me off the boards quite a bit, but your post caught my eye.

I lost 150 lbs, regained about 10 lbs, and have been holding ever since. I'm 3 1/2 years out. I'm not having much trouble maintaining - mostly because I dump and I don't ever feel hungry. I can't overdo the sweets because they nauseate me, which is a very good thing since sweets are what got me into trouble in the first place. I just cannot get the last 50 lbs off. I'm very happy to have lost what I have, but I can't help but be disappointed that I can't get the rest off. They said I'd lose 60-80% of my excess weight and I have, but darnit I'd sure love to be in Onederland! Oh well...if I don't, I don't. 

My body is strange - it really doesn't matter what I eat or how much I exercise, I stay the same. I was exercising hard 4-5 days a week there for a while - lap swimming, lifting weights, treadmill, etc. and maintained. I had carpal tunnel surgery and was very busy in my business and didn't exercise other than walking now and then for about 6 weeks, didn't really watch closely what I ate (but again, I can't overdo "bad" foods) and still maintained. I think I'm an anomaly. 

Even with all that, however, I'd do it again in a heartbeat! Having 140 lbs less to carry around is a big, big plus.

He is ill clothed that is bare of virtue. ~~ Benjamin Franklin

RNY 05/29/2008

on 7/18/11 8:12 am
Ditto! the 150 lbs was still WELL worth it!! Even if I stay a size 16 forever, that's a heck of a lot better than a size 32 (or higher..don't remember).

I looked up water loading, and I think that is what has finally helped me lose 20 lbs the last 6-8 weeks.. it helped me relearn how to use my tool. The ONLY way I lost weight after the 70 lb gain (lowest was 189, then gained back up to 260, I am now at 220) was to do like atkins, or HCG or something...totally yo yo.  So I am FINALLY serendering to the "old fashioned way" remember the tortous won the race, not the hare!

Water loading, for those who don't know. Is, you don't drink 15-30 min before a meal, eat dense foods, not soft, or liqued foods, no drinking during meal, and no drinking 1.5-2 hours after a meal, this will keep you full for 2 or more hours, then start sipping, about an hour before your next meal start chugging water, 8 oz at a time (for long term post op),and top off your stomach with sips, that will give you a feeling of fullness for 25 more minutes, do that a few times then stop again before you next meal... also, by drinking so much you won't experience thirst from the salt after the meal, making it easier not to drink liquids for 2 hours...

That's helped me rediscover my pouch and take my calorie consumtpion from over 3,000 to 1400 without much effort. I hope to continue (FINALLY) down to my goal weight! good luck to you!
margaret odom
on 7/17/11 12:43 am - sumner, GA
Hi Sally!
                Glad to hear you have done so well. I myself have done pretty good I have to say. It is still a daily issue watching what goes in the ole pie whole though. lol. I weigh everyday and thats just my thing. Its not for everyone but hey, it works for me and keeps me humble and on the straight and narrow. I started out at 410 and am now 160-165. I have always been addicted to food and that has not changed for sure. I havent had sugar since surgery five and almost half years now. It is good to let people know how the oldies get along I think. My life has changed so so much. You can see the pics and read my boring story if wish lol.. Congrates to you for sure!!!

 Margaret in Georgia SWEATING HERE

Karma....What would life be without it?  250lbs gone! 410/160... Life's sweet!

on 7/17/11 8:05 am
I'm maintaining, actually below goal right now and trying to gain a few lbs.  I eat what I want and have been above my goal weight only 1 time in 6 years.  I lost the 7 lbs fairly quickly.  Like you, I have good restriction which I know helps us alot.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining


Ruby R.
on 7/19/11 1:02 pm
My surgery was 6 years ago.  My highest weight was 262.  I got down to 125 for about 5 minutes.  Now I weigh 136.  I have been as high as 146 several years ago. I am 66 years old and 5'1"   I wear a size 12.   I try to avoid the white carbs.  I walk 2 miles a day, most days.  I still drink some protein  drinks.  I am going to try water loading that another poster mentioned.

I would love to lose the 10 pounds but just can not get rid of them.  I have some 8/10 pants/tops that I wore a few years ago but can not wear now.  Hard for me to believe 10 pounds makes this much difference in my size, but it does.  I believe part of the problem is that I do not go to gym any more.  My body is not as toned as much as it was.

I am very conscious of everything I eat.  I weigh daily and write it down.  

Nice to know there are some success stories out there.  Thanks for giving us a chance to post.  Congratulations to you and everybody who has worked so hard to make their tools work.

on 7/26/11 2:22 am - Nashville, TN
I am seven years out. I settled into my weight and I stay there, plus or minus about a normal five pounds at any given time. I don't really TRY to maintain, per se, but I do still stick with the basic principals i learned immediately post op. I don't eat sweets ( unless they are sugar free in very small amounts). I eat very little processed carbs. Protein is a mainstay in my diet. I don't drink sodas. I do still exercise daily but nothing excessive...mostly walking. I take my vitamins, my iron and my calcium daily, religiously. I know that my "tool" stil works. I know that there are some days if I eat course meats (most red meat) or dry meat, I STILL get the foamies. I know without one single doubt when I am full and cannot take another single bite. (and sometimes have been known to be mid-chew when the signal happens) All in all, I am doing well. I would say I don't struggle but I am mindful.
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