Addiction Transfer/Alcohol

Christian I.
on 5/2/11 11:51 am - TX
OK, Where the heck have you been for the last 4-5 years!?!?!
ha ha!

2 different women, both dear to me, one an "old-timer" and another a "half-timer" (?)  each recommended that I go see "this lady" on OH because her story mirrors mine so closely...Imagine my surprise when in both instances it turned out to be YOU!

I'm trying to beat the clock here (the lab where I am at, is about to close, and I'm getting dirty looks from the staff) but I can not wait to hear your story.

I'd love to talk to you.  I'm in Austin TX and had Surgery in Houston way back in the dark ages (2002) at the  Something-Fairbanks hospital in Houston. With a surgeon that...I just didn't get a long with.  At any rate, I have been looking for someone EXACTLY like you.

I almost don't want to get too excited because I've been disappointed so many times before. 

If you can/want,  I'd love to talk (voice) so, here's my cellphone (512) 466-7943 as I don't have Internet access once I leave campus and I must....NOW.

feel free to call me, if you get this tonight. I can't sleep anyway.

Thank you for giving me some hope!

on 5/3/11 3:39 am - Salt Lake City, UT
  Hey Christian,

I'll be happy to talk with you.   Why don't you send me a private email either on this site or at [email protected]?    I didn't see this until this morning.   I can probably have an idea of what's going on because so many stories are eerily similar, but if you can give me the details that would be better.

As to where I've been, I was dealing with "my personal issue" privately thinking that I was the only one who could possibly be dealing with something this horribly shameful.   It wasn't until I realized that not only was I not the only one, this was quite a large problem, that a felt wasn't being appropriately addressed, that I started "shooting my mouth off".

(1)   Do you currently take any vitamins?  If so what and how many?
(2)  Did you every experience any early onset of symptoms such as uncontrollable urge to snack, insomnia, muscle twitching, rapid heartbeat, you know that sense of "well being and contentment" - feeling the exact opposite of that, general anxiety, anything like that?  If so, about when?  Did you attempt to treat or medicate?
(3)  Any swelling on "cankles" or lots of bruises that you can't explain or bruising easily?
(4) Any difficulty focusing, say on reading a book or watching an intensive TV program, balancing your checkbook - that sort of thing?
(5)  Has your doctor run your blood work?  what were the results?

If you could let me know!

Best Wishes to You!


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