You might have a sore throat, so maybe some sf ice pops and soft proteins.
I had several EGD's back in the late 1980's. Did you ever hear of the gastric bubble? It was a plastic device placed in the upperportion of your stomach via a scope(EGD) it was supposed to make you feel full and eat less. It was replaced every 12 weeks as long as you did not have an ulcer. It was an investigation but you still had to pay. It was combined with mandatory individual and group therapy and visits with a registered dietician. Out of a group of 12 I was the only one to lose a significant amount of weight. I think I lost about 75 pounds. Did not stay off too terribly long after the study was stopped; maybe 9-15 months.
I always felt just fine afterwards, but the drugs they use to sedate you are amnesics; you will not remember what happened earlier in the day. I misplaced alot of things and once or twice had a sore throat never needed any pain medicine not even tylenol.
I had several EGD's back in the late 1980's. Did you ever hear of the gastric bubble? It was a plastic device placed in the upperportion of your stomach via a scope(EGD) it was supposed to make you feel full and eat less. It was replaced every 12 weeks as long as you did not have an ulcer. It was an investigation but you still had to pay. It was combined with mandatory individual and group therapy and visits with a registered dietician. Out of a group of 12 I was the only one to lose a significant amount of weight. I think I lost about 75 pounds. Did not stay off too terribly long after the study was stopped; maybe 9-15 months.
I always felt just fine afterwards, but the drugs they use to sedate you are amnesics; you will not remember what happened earlier in the day. I misplaced alot of things and once or twice had a sore throat never needed any pain medicine not even tylenol.
Is an EGD the same as an endoscopy? Basically they numb your throat, give you a sedative in your IV then you wake up back in your cubicle ready to go home. If I didn't have a dislike for needles (IVs) it would be easier than a trip to the dentist. The stuff they spray your throat with doesn't taste very good but it's not disgusting either - sorta like a metallic, fizzy banana type flavor.
I just had one of these done on Wednesday so the doc could check for ulcers. Had to have a driver with me and was told to just take it easy for the rest of the day. Not a problem - as I love any excuse to take a nap.
Good Luck to you.
I just had one of these done on Wednesday so the doc could check for ulcers. Had to have a driver with me and was told to just take it easy for the rest of the day. Not a problem - as I love any excuse to take a nap.
Good Luck to you.
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
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