Post-WLS (VG) x 4 year Progress Report
Well, here I sit coming up on the fourth year post-surg and I feel great. In a way (back-handed compliment sort of way), I owe my doctor a debt of grattitude for nearly starving me t death. I went from an up and down, see-saw type of existence where I bounced between 52 and 54 inhes on my waist. At six months post-surg,I had burned off nearly ALL the fat off my body. I had been uncomfortably warm for nine months,but shed 160 pounds in the process... and all this on just 800 cal a day. I went from a 52/54 inch waist to a 36 inch waist and have remained there for 3+ years now.
My diabetes (type II), while not "cured" as some professionals contend, is certainly well maintained with a single pill (Metformin) daily, exercise and good eating habits. I still rely on protein shooters to help me get through the days when eating seems like a pointless exercise. With the removal of the part of the stomach that produced the "feed me, Seymour" response in the brain, it was wonderful for weight loss; however, once the eight is lost, the hormone Grellin is still missing from my anatomy and this means that I still get full at four ounces. Recent attempts to see if I could have perhaps five ounces of food have found me regurgitating time and time again. So my stomach is still small and not willing to expand.
Since food was my go-to when I got depressed or felt isolated or lonely, I can't do that anymore. So the surgery was but one major step in fixing me. I have had years of therapy but until my stomach was cut and stapled, I rarely dealt with the problems.
Don't get me wrong... I haven't been this "small" since I was in Junior High. I still love food and will cruise all the aisles looking at things I have no desire for but I know are tasty. I subsist mainly on seafood now, though I do love to eat filet minons (as the meat is soft and easier to digest). Chicken is still to fibrous and I cannot eat it without regurgitating.
BUT,I CAN EAT ANYTHING I WANT and in four ounce proportions, I'm not gaining weight, so I have a very eclectic diet that includes the "bad" food choices. The way I understand it is that for fat to build in one's body, fatty foods need something in which to attach and like I said before, I burned off nearly, if not all, the fat -- even the deep layers that protect one's organs -- so my body uses it for energy.
I'm glad I chose the non-reversible route because knowing myself as well as I do now, I would cheat and do, but hover between 205 and 210 on any given day. The surgeon called me obese after losing 160 pounds because I didn't fit the height/weight profile. At 6'4.5" tall, I find 195 pound (the so-called "modern" height/weight chart perfect weight for me) absurd. Perhaps he said I was still obese after I called him Dr. Josepf Menegeles from Auschwitz.
All in all, I believe Karma will take care of the good doctor while God wathes over me.
See ya next year!
My diabetes (type II), while not "cured" as some professionals contend, is certainly well maintained with a single pill (Metformin) daily, exercise and good eating habits. I still rely on protein shooters to help me get through the days when eating seems like a pointless exercise. With the removal of the part of the stomach that produced the "feed me, Seymour" response in the brain, it was wonderful for weight loss; however, once the eight is lost, the hormone Grellin is still missing from my anatomy and this means that I still get full at four ounces. Recent attempts to see if I could have perhaps five ounces of food have found me regurgitating time and time again. So my stomach is still small and not willing to expand.
Since food was my go-to when I got depressed or felt isolated or lonely, I can't do that anymore. So the surgery was but one major step in fixing me. I have had years of therapy but until my stomach was cut and stapled, I rarely dealt with the problems.
Don't get me wrong... I haven't been this "small" since I was in Junior High. I still love food and will cruise all the aisles looking at things I have no desire for but I know are tasty. I subsist mainly on seafood now, though I do love to eat filet minons (as the meat is soft and easier to digest). Chicken is still to fibrous and I cannot eat it without regurgitating.
BUT,I CAN EAT ANYTHING I WANT and in four ounce proportions, I'm not gaining weight, so I have a very eclectic diet that includes the "bad" food choices. The way I understand it is that for fat to build in one's body, fatty foods need something in which to attach and like I said before, I burned off nearly, if not all, the fat -- even the deep layers that protect one's organs -- so my body uses it for energy.
I'm glad I chose the non-reversible route because knowing myself as well as I do now, I would cheat and do, but hover between 205 and 210 on any given day. The surgeon called me obese after losing 160 pounds because I didn't fit the height/weight profile. At 6'4.5" tall, I find 195 pound (the so-called "modern" height/weight chart perfect weight for me) absurd. Perhaps he said I was still obese after I called him Dr. Josepf Menegeles from Auschwitz.
All in all, I believe Karma will take care of the good doctor while God wathes over me.
See ya next year!