Less than encouraged....
I had a somewhat bad day on Wednesday.... emotionally, mentally, & physically I guess you could say.
I started off getting up late – which made me late for the gym in the AM – but at least I made it & got in 20 mins in the arc trainer.
However, I had an accident on the arc trainer (the paddle**** me in the left ankle when I jumped off) which left my ankle bruised, swollen, & w/ some kind of huge bump on the inner & outer part of the leg. It’s like I have ring around the ankle & it’s just about 1 ½ size larger than my other leg. But im fine – I can walk on it OK – so… just, ice it & move on..
Later that morning, I went to the NUT & she just about drove me nuts!
She basically told me that everything I’m doing is wrong. My calorie calculations are understated & exercise calculations are over stated.
She understands I’m doing Atkins, which is great that I’m on an meal plan- but the fat content in THAT is too high, so she doesn’t like it.
Instead she wants me eating prepackaged frozen meals (nothing that I prepare myself), so the nutritional value is stated on the pkg & the data I record is 100% accurate. “Something like Lean Cuisine or Weigh****chers."
She understands that I use TheDailyPlate.com to figure all that stuff (“as it has the nutritional label for each food item, so what is the difference?!!? When I compare the information on the site to what’s listed on the pkg, it’s the same!"), but she doesn’t like that website.
I had ONE FRIGGIN #9 from Togo’s for dinner & she acted like that “behavior" was indicative of & reflected the entire month of data I brought her.
The vits I’m taking are wrong – she doesn’t like them & recommends X brand. Why? b/c they are more easily absorbed. (WTFE!! At least IM TAKING vits!!...)
She said it’s great that I’m working out 4-5x/week, but (again) thinks my calories burned calculations are over stated.
Says I should be eating like 2800 cals/day - to which I told her I was eating between 1300-1400/day. Then she says well, I don’t think that’s about right (again w/ the wrong calculations). THEN tells me in order to LOSE weight, I need to reduce my caloric intake 200-500 calories - which would put me at like 900 cals/day & that amount would be OK & would provide enough fuel for the amount of exercise I’m doing. WTF?!??!??!
So basically everything I’ve done is all for not & it’s all wrong.
Needless to say - I was nearly in tears & left extremely frustrated. Honestly, I wanted to head to the nearest Carl’s Jr for a bacon western burger - but I didn’t. I realized that was an emotional reaction - didn’t stop me from feeling that way - but at least I recognized it for what it was.
I’m pretty confused not & feeling more lost than I was at the beginning of the year. My little “6-wk action plan" seems to be shot straight to hell & I really didn’t know how to proceed & felt really lost for a couple of days.
Today however, im feeling much better.
My morning time has been off all week & this morning I left the house too late to make it in for the am WO. On one hand, I feel kinda bad that I didn’t WO this morning, but on the other hand I’m OK with it b/c I know I WOed 4x this week. I might make it back for a pm WO – but there’s no promises there lol.
Since I see evidence that meal & exercise programs I am on (my little “6-wk action plan") are working, I think I will continue as is (working out 4-5x/wk for 45-60mins & doing Atkins. The fat may be high, so I can modify that by eating less fatty meats).
I do have to find another food & exercise tracking tool though – we talked about that before & I think the chat w/ the NUT just confirmed those fears.
What kind of a NAZI NUT are you going to? You measure and you weigh your foods...You probably know exactly what is on your plate more than the pre-packaged foods. Sounds like she gets a kickback from the vits and the food..Hmmm.
Don't beat yourself up on one person's opinion..she sounds crazy to me. 200-500 calories? Yikes.
Don't beat yourself up on one person's opinion..she sounds crazy to me. 200-500 calories? Yikes.
Yes, RNY worked for me but it also requires a lot of work from me!
Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
I know! **she must be getting a kick back** is exactly what i thought!
I wish you could have seen her - talk about being on B12 overload.
I mean, she was trying to say more encouraging things, but honestly, those messages jsut didnt get through. i was so on the defensive about her knocks that i didnt HEAR the encouraging things she said.
The unfortunate thing is she is the only one that works in conjunction w/ the bariatric program @ stanford. I just wont go back & see her again. I mean, i can appreciate when Drs dont tell you what you want to hear & BS you. Thats fine. But she could have done so in a more encouraging way.
Maybe i just wasnt prepared to hear the negative things she had to say...
Honestly, with the cleaner eating & lifestyle ive been doing this year, going back to pre-packaged foods really just isnt my thing. I WISH i didnt have to do the atkins shakes & bars (which i suppose i dont, but i havent learned how to do the atkins & go w/o their food yet).
That session had me a bit discombobulated for a couple of days & I noticed that i stopped tracking (the daily plate really messed up their system & I have to find something new) & started going between 1/2 way being on atkins & 1/2 way not. but i know thats not going to work.
Anyways, my rant is done. Im licking my wounds & getting back on the horse. Thanks for being here :)
I wish you could have seen her - talk about being on B12 overload.
I mean, she was trying to say more encouraging things, but honestly, those messages jsut didnt get through. i was so on the defensive about her knocks that i didnt HEAR the encouraging things she said.
The unfortunate thing is she is the only one that works in conjunction w/ the bariatric program @ stanford. I just wont go back & see her again. I mean, i can appreciate when Drs dont tell you what you want to hear & BS you. Thats fine. But she could have done so in a more encouraging way.
Maybe i just wasnt prepared to hear the negative things she had to say...
Honestly, with the cleaner eating & lifestyle ive been doing this year, going back to pre-packaged foods really just isnt my thing. I WISH i didnt have to do the atkins shakes & bars (which i suppose i dont, but i havent learned how to do the atkins & go w/o their food yet).
That session had me a bit discombobulated for a couple of days & I noticed that i stopped tracking (the daily plate really messed up their system & I have to find something new) & started going between 1/2 way being on atkins & 1/2 way not. but i know thats not going to work.
Anyways, my rant is done. Im licking my wounds & getting back on the horse. Thanks for being here :)

What a week you've had!! I was using Daily Plate until they updated it then I didn't like it. I use MyFitnessPal.com and really like it.
Your NUT is a nut!! Most nutritionists frown on using frozen meals because of the sodim and carb count. I have Lean Cuisine or WW maybe once a week. I like to cook so prepackaged isn't for me. I've never tried Nutri System but that might be healthier. Seems like 2800 calories a day would be extreme.
The newAtkins looks good to me. The old Atkins encouraged you to eat lots of meat and hardly any carbs. A man I worked with did Atkins and lost a ton of weight. He would eat the toppings off a whole pizza and also ate large quantities of meat. He didn't like veggies or fruit. Now, I think Atkins encourages you to eat reasonable portions of protein and to eat veggies.
I'm going to do South Beach. It's time to buckle down and decide on a program then do it!! I've been under a lot of stress recently due to a family matter, but things have calmed down and seem to be headed in the right direction. Instead of being a recliner potato every evening with a book or my Kindle, I need to be going to the gym on a regular basis.
Your NUT is a nut!! Most nutritionists frown on using frozen meals because of the sodim and carb count. I have Lean Cuisine or WW maybe once a week. I like to cook so prepackaged isn't for me. I've never tried Nutri System but that might be healthier. Seems like 2800 calories a day would be extreme.
The newAtkins looks good to me. The old Atkins encouraged you to eat lots of meat and hardly any carbs. A man I worked with did Atkins and lost a ton of weight. He would eat the toppings off a whole pizza and also ate large quantities of meat. He didn't like veggies or fruit. Now, I think Atkins encourages you to eat reasonable portions of protein and to eat veggies.
I'm going to do South Beach. It's time to buckle down and decide on a program then do it!! I've been under a lot of stress recently due to a family matter, but things have calmed down and seem to be headed in the right direction. Instead of being a recliner potato every evening with a book or my Kindle, I need to be going to the gym on a regular basis.
RNY: July 8, 2008
Dr. John Price
Kansas City, MO
Agreed! I dont like the new daily plate either which is a real bummer b/c i really liked the ease & user friendliness of the tool before.
I think i skimmed over myfitnesspal.com on a reference from out previous conversation, but i was so hooked on DTP that i really didnt give MFP much of a chance. But i'll check it out again since ive GOT to find a replacement for DPT.
I did NurtiSystems 20 yrs ago & it didnt work. Of course, Im sure the food & their appraoch has changed over the years lol. I just know i wouldnt try them again. WW.com worked for me pre-surg. So I would do that program again. Ive not tried SB, but Im glad you've decided to going with it.
Thanks for your support :) i appreciate it.
I think i skimmed over myfitnesspal.com on a reference from out previous conversation, but i was so hooked on DTP that i really didnt give MFP much of a chance. But i'll check it out again since ive GOT to find a replacement for DPT.
I did NurtiSystems 20 yrs ago & it didnt work. Of course, Im sure the food & their appraoch has changed over the years lol. I just know i wouldnt try them again. WW.com worked for me pre-surg. So I would do that program again. Ive not tried SB, but Im glad you've decided to going with it.
Thanks for your support :) i appreciate it.
Well, - if your plan is working and you feel good - why would you change it?
BTW - low fat may not work as well, IMO. Your nut is nuts if she thinks that prepackaged food is better for you that what you make yoursefl. the calories counting is a joke anyway -
please google " calories are not equal"
http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&aq=1h&oq=cal ories+&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4GGLL_enUS326&q=calories+are+not+equal
And you find so many info that discuss the calorie counting. And calories from carbs are not processed the same in our body as calories from proteins or from fats...
or even veggies... So no matter what how you count - you need to take +/10 or even 20%.
so - listen to your body - to your intuition. And if you have somethng that is working - ignore the nut...
BTW - low fat may not work as well, IMO. Your nut is nuts if she thinks that prepackaged food is better for you that what you make yoursefl. the calories counting is a joke anyway -
please google " calories are not equal"
http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&aq=1h&oq=cal ories+&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4GGLL_enUS326&q=calories+are+not+equal
And you find so many info that discuss the calorie counting. And calories from carbs are not processed the same in our body as calories from proteins or from fats...
or even veggies... So no matter what how you count - you need to take +/10 or even 20%.
so - listen to your body - to your intuition. And if you have somethng that is working - ignore the nut...
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
Thanks Hala! I checked out that link & got a ton of research & reading to do :)
The plan im doing is making me feel better - of course if could just all the working out thats making me feel btr lol - but i like it! thats the point. & im seeing actual results!
Being that I know i have consistency issues, i have to stick w/ my 6 wk program.
I will continue to attack my weight gain 6 wks at a time - 10 lbs at a time. As long as I continue to drop 10 lbs in 6 wks - im good w/ that :)
Thanks for your input & support. I really appreciate it :)
The plan im doing is making me feel better - of course if could just all the working out thats making me feel btr lol - but i like it! thats the point. & im seeing actual results!
Being that I know i have consistency issues, i have to stick w/ my 6 wk program.
I will continue to attack my weight gain 6 wks at a time - 10 lbs at a time. As long as I continue to drop 10 lbs in 6 wks - im good w/ that :)
Thanks for your input & support. I really appreciate it :)

I presume that was the HALF #9 at 430 calories? I see nothing wrong with that.
As for Atkins, I can't say anything good about it. Being low carb Atkins tends not to care about calories so you see WAY too much use of Heavy Cream, etc. My running joke is "I was on Atkins and ate bag after bag of Pork Rinds and never lost a pound." Atkins does have too much fat.
Remember, whatever eating plan you have it should be the one close to the one you will eat for the rest of your life. Atkins is one of those things you "are on" and eventually you'll "return to normal." That's why it won't work. If I had to pick a "program", I would say the Zone makes the most sense.
In the end, calories are KING. My advice to you is to eat 800 calories per day, 50% of those calories from protein and then do cardio at least 3 times a week. I'm maintaining so I just eat about 2000 calories of whatever I want which, last time I logged, was 50% carb, 30% protein, 20% fat.
As for Atkins, I can't say anything good about it. Being low carb Atkins tends not to care about calories so you see WAY too much use of Heavy Cream, etc. My running joke is "I was on Atkins and ate bag after bag of Pork Rinds and never lost a pound." Atkins does have too much fat.
Remember, whatever eating plan you have it should be the one close to the one you will eat for the rest of your life. Atkins is one of those things you "are on" and eventually you'll "return to normal." That's why it won't work. If I had to pick a "program", I would say the Zone makes the most sense.
In the end, calories are KING. My advice to you is to eat 800 calories per day, 50% of those calories from protein and then do cardio at least 3 times a week. I'm maintaining so I just eat about 2000 calories of whatever I want which, last time I logged, was 50% carb, 30% protein, 20% fat.
LOL! That IS funny!! & You know what, you are very right. Thats one of the things the NUT was saying & I actually understood that. ("atkins adds more fat to compensate for the lower carbs - more fat makes things taste better") So I can agree with that & note that I do see a higher % of fat on some... MOST days. In fact, I was pretty blown away when i saw almost something 50%fat 40%protein 10%carb one day. i NVR use things like buttermilk or heavy cream, but now find that gunk in my frig b/c its called for in one of their recipes.
So i totally agree (now that i can see through the fog) that while the plan is working for me, it needs to be modified.
Its funny tha you mention calories are king. She suggested calorieking.com as a new tracking tool LOL
thanks for chiming in :) I appreciate your input.
So i totally agree (now that i can see through the fog) that while the plan is working for me, it needs to be modified.
Its funny tha you mention calories are king. She suggested calorieking.com as a new tracking tool LOL
thanks for chiming in :) I appreciate your input.