2 weeks down on Atkins Induction
Hi there!!
About 4 weeks ago, while i was on the EV of the 5DPT, I started making daily posts recording what i ate, and how i was doing mentally, physically, & emotionally.
Well, as you know lol, i made it through 2 weeks of the 5DPT & jumped straight into a 6 week program on the Atkins. Things havent really been that bad, i have to say...
With that, I am really glad to report or submit encouraging news that I'll share w/ you later.
**side note - lately Ive been feeling that this board has too many sob stories -?? (for lack of a better term). Meaning I see a lot of individuals who are crying out for help - but not posting anything about what they've done (are doing) to attempt to rectify their situations (closure), getting back to basics, needing & wanting support.
However, on the contrary, I dont see a lot of success stories posted, status updates on your back to basics (closing that loop), or posts providing support for those who need it. Instead I see a ton of individuals who "View" posts, yet very few who actually "reply" & offer an encouraging positive word or pat on the back. Mind you, there are some *****gularly post clean eating suggestions, & offer daily encouraging positive "GREAT JOB!!!, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!" pats on the back replys (& you know who you are ). I think we need more of that up beat, positive reinforcement, & closure.
Moving on....
Im currently in the induction phase of Atkins. Ive seen & heard so many people say that the induction phase is so hard!!! But I dont really feel like Im having a "hard" time with it. I mean - ya, Im sick of eggs for breakfast but thats about it. So, Im not really having that much of an issue with it - of course that might be b/c I have yet to consecutively achieve the 20g carbs/day mind you lol.
I really think doing 2 weeks of the 5DPT set the stage & prepared me for Atkins.
My carb count may not be 20g/day - but Im lower than i ever have been before & to me, that in itself is an accomplishment. I will continue with another 2 weeks of the induction & hope that I get the 20g/day of carbs right this next time :) I think i'll have a better time with it as Im starting to see restaurants & foods as their base components (protein/ carb/fat/ etc).
OH NO = that means Im being assimilated by ATKINS!!! lol
If you recall, my commitment/ "plan" (4 weeks ago) was to attack my weight gain 6 weeks at a time - 10 lbs at a time.
Since then, my cal intake has kind of fluctuated a bit due to the increase of exercise; but Ive pretty much leveled off to 1300-1400 cals/.day.
Im down more water than ever before (never drank water - hated water!!) & im still taking my vits (also didnt take vits regularly). Furthermore, Im very happy to report that Ive consistently worked out every day (cept for the weekends) for the past 4 weeks!
I drag my tail out of bed (literally) at 5:30am (usually tries to sleep until 6:30 or later) & hits the gym 4-5x/week for 45-60 mins/day. While there, I do 20-30 mins of cardio & 25-30mins of weight lifting (alternating upper/core/lower/core/upper muscle groups). Sometimes I even go back to the gym in the afternon & do another 20-30mins of cardio & 25-30 mins of weights (making it 1 hr of each). Once a week, I do Yoga (ahhhhhhhhhhhhh).
As someone who's NEVER "consistently" worked out - this is HUGE!!!!
To that, I am very happy to report that Ive achieved the loss of my 1st 10 lbs!! That's a HUGE success for me & Im proud to share that with you.
What's been going on w/ you over the past 2 weeks?
What successes have you achieved/ goals have you reached?
I post on other places... But - for the record - I am maintaining, just got down to my goal range... and have 3 more lbs to go to be in the middle of it. It probably would take me a month to do so... or not.. I plan to be there by the end of this month. But - if not - as long as I stay within my "range" I am fine...
I started doing yoga and added walking on days I do not do 6;30 yoga. it is so hot here- that I can only walk in the moring... treadmill is not the same ... and I hate gyms right now.
I am cleaning my diet from artificial stuff - at will try to do that for a least a month. (2 weeks and counting). it is tough but doable. But - that means - no RTDs for me.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
I know you can bang out that last 3 lbs in no time. It might seem like forever (most ppl say the last 5 or so lbs are the hardest to lose), but giving yourself a month to do so should be no problemas for you!
I totally understand about hating the gym - I use to ... scratch that - I DO as well. Im just "comfortable" in the gym at work & noted that im more comfortable in the early morning (prework) than i am in the afternoon (post work). I like walking outisde, but im the kind of OCD person who needs to see the exact # of miles, know that im at a consistent speed, & approx. # of cals burned - so the gym cardio equipment works for me. In fact - I just switched over to the "ARC TRAINER" - omg that thing is WAY BTR than the treadmill - totally kicked my butt this morning! I was dripping sweat like never before!
On the weekends, I like to hit the trails outside. Im more relaxed there & know i can walk at any speed - but for longer distances. So i usually pace myself.
It took me a while to get over the gymphobia, locker room & shower phobias, & learn gymetiquette, but ive done OK so far :) at elast im getting some what "use" to it.
Im so happy for you!! Good job

I just started participating on this board, but I've been on the Main, Missouri and RNY for a couple years now and I do see a lot of negativity. People talk about what they're doing wrong and how much they've gained but don't seem willing to change. I got in a habit of snacking and although the snacks were healthy, I was eating too much and way too many carbs.
For 35 years I was on and off WWs but never got to goal. I do need structure and need to track my food at least several days a week. Otherwise, I feel like I'm overeating.
Yesterday was my second anniversary after surgery and I'm recommiting to getting the remainder of my weight off. Now, I need to pick either Atkins or SB and do it plus add exercise whether I want to or not. To get my exercise going I'm going to bring my workout clothes to work and change then go straight to the gym. Going home and changing doesn't always work.
RNY: July 8, 2008
Dr. John Price
Kansas City, MO
Go for it Jo - Im with you all the way! :)
If you should happen to go w/ SB - pls be sure to post of how you like/dislike it. I'd be interested in knowing more about it (since ive never done it).
For years i tryed to say that I would WO in the evenings after work or on the weekends. i made it SOMETIMES - but more NOT than OFTEN. So it wasnt consistent - thats been my biggest grip for years.
Then i switched to WO in the am.
Now, I always have a grear bag packed & ready to go w/ all the locker room/ shower/ personal hygene stuff i need. SInce i WO in the morning, I have found works what best for me is packing a gear bag in the evening w/ my work clothes (& shoes) for the next day. When i wake up, i wash my face, grab a cup of coffee, don my WO gear, & head straight to the gym (at the office).
Thanks for sharing your areas for opportunity & what you intend on doing to rectify that so you can realize the achievement of your goal. I think identifying the issue(s) & properly managing it is so critical to success. I really think shifting the vibe here would do us all a great deal of good. So keep us posted on your progress!

I had gained about 5 pounds, but am so close to goal that I can't give in now!!! I have 16 pounds to goal, and by posting I'm taking back my success!
Thanks for asking!!!!
IDing the problem & taking the bull by the horns to rectify it!
GFU for gettin out there & walking in that heat!! I dont know if I could have done it, thats for sure!!
Do you know how far you covered?
You are totally close to goal!! theres no way you can give up NOW!! lol Im so happy for you that you are soooo CLOSE!!! What a great job! You should be very proud of yourself