Veggie burger concern.
Hey, since this is a weight loss surgery graduates forum, i figured there was more knowledge floating around because you all have been through this. My question was that tonight is only my second day introducing solid foods after surgery and i was able to eat an entire veggie burger with feeling full but not sick. Is that too much? Should my stomach have been able to hold an entire veggie burger? this was hours after a lunch of 1 egg with a little bit of ff mayo and half an arnolds wholewheat sandwhich thin. I also had half a 2 % cheese stick early morning as a sort of "breakfast"
Im probably over reacting, but im so new to this, and want to make sure im not doing anything wrong.
EDITTTTT- I probably should have mentioned that it did NOT have any bread. It was a frozen original garden burger.
Im probably over reacting, but im so new to this, and want to make sure im not doing anything wrong.
EDITTTTT- I probably should have mentioned that it did NOT have any bread. It was a frozen original garden burger.