scarred gaining 2 years out!!!!
I understand that some meds can make you gain weight, but what are you eating? Do you eat refined carbs, drink with meals, etc.? If so, I believe those are at least some of the culprits. I'm four years out and eat no breads, pasta, rice, potatoes, crackers, etc., etc. I just can't and I know it.
I hope you get a handle on this.
I hope you get a handle on this.
Going on 6yr I have the same problem, size 2 now fitted 6-8 just keep trying to find where your body wants to be, I should be a sold 6 & 129-132 , snack but clear the house car of any unhealthy snacks I keep chees nuts celery/peauntbutter ready. Chek your over all health to my Thyriod stoped no Idea and needed B-A injections made the biggest diffrence.
Its just a helper we itl is always fight I am a emotinal eater thats me so just mak enjoyable fun choices.
Wish You well
Its just a helper we itl is always fight I am a emotinal eater thats me so just mak enjoyable fun choices.
Wish You well