Update on partial small bowel blockage
I am very lucky once again, it has resolved for the time being.
I saw a gastro, who put me on papaya enzymes and another type enzyme, both over the counter , can't recall the name. Also on Gas-x, and stronger probiotics than I already use. Combined with stool softners, and Benefiber, I was also on a fluids only diet.
Eventually, I will have to have the single adhesion wrapped around my small bowel clipped loose. But I am leaving on a 10 day cruise to Caribbean islands of St Kitts, St Marten, St John, Tortula and Puerto Rico on Monday. If I have to drink soup and protein drinks for 10 days, so be it!!
I am through the soft diet stage, and back eating soups, salads, fish and chicken, along with most veggies. I am off red meats for a long time it seems. So hopefully, I can handle things until I get back, and then start saving for surgery, as I have no insurance.
Just to mention, if you have symptoms of bloating, gas, diarrhea or constipation, and severe pain, go to the ER, or at least see your doctor. A bowel obstruction can lead to surgery, or even death. It's nothing to fool around with. I was fortunate that mine was partial and not complete, as a complete obstruction ( or blockage, same thing) is a life-threatening event.
Thanks for all thoughts and prayers.
I saw a gastro, who put me on papaya enzymes and another type enzyme, both over the counter , can't recall the name. Also on Gas-x, and stronger probiotics than I already use. Combined with stool softners, and Benefiber, I was also on a fluids only diet.
Eventually, I will have to have the single adhesion wrapped around my small bowel clipped loose. But I am leaving on a 10 day cruise to Caribbean islands of St Kitts, St Marten, St John, Tortula and Puerto Rico on Monday. If I have to drink soup and protein drinks for 10 days, so be it!!
I am through the soft diet stage, and back eating soups, salads, fish and chicken, along with most veggies. I am off red meats for a long time it seems. So hopefully, I can handle things until I get back, and then start saving for surgery, as I have no insurance.
Just to mention, if you have symptoms of bloating, gas, diarrhea or constipation, and severe pain, go to the ER, or at least see your doctor. A bowel obstruction can lead to surgery, or even death. It's nothing to fool around with. I was fortunate that mine was partial and not complete, as a complete obstruction ( or blockage, same thing) is a life-threatening event.
Thanks for all thoughts and prayers.
Hi sally,
wow and i throught i was the only one going through this. i was in the hospital for a week and the pain just started back up again. they are wanting to do explorty surgery because they cant really tell on ct scan. i will know more wed what the plan is going to be. enjoy your vacation.
wow and i throught i was the only one going through this. i was in the hospital for a week and the pain just started back up again. they are wanting to do explorty surgery because they cant really tell on ct scan. i will know more wed what the plan is going to be. enjoy your vacation.
Dawn Bashaw
Dawn, did you have a barium swallow? The CT showed where my small bowel was expanded from backed up food and and air. The barium showed exactly where the gut narrowed, and where the obvious band of adhesion was wrapped around it.
The treatment I was on for the blockage this time worked well for me. I am symptom free today. If anything starts again, I will use the same treatment until I can get back home or until it resolves. This is a treatment that was used in a study and helped many people resolve their symptoms more quickly than hospital and IV hydration only.
Ok, Monday I fly to Tampa and start on my cruise! Thanks for all the good wishes.
Dawn, I will be thinking of you and praying things are simple and easily treated.
The treatment I was on for the blockage this time worked well for me. I am symptom free today. If anything starts again, I will use the same treatment until I can get back home or until it resolves. This is a treatment that was used in a study and helped many people resolve their symptoms more quickly than hospital and IV hydration only.
Ok, Monday I fly to Tampa and start on my cruise! Thanks for all the good wishes.
Dawn, I will be thinking of you and praying things are simple and easily treated.
Hi Sally
yes i went to the dr and i had to get the ct scan he knows what is on paper but he wants to see the scan them self.
i had a little scar tonight with pain and being sick to my stomach but everything came out ok. my apointment is on monday so as soon as i get home i will send you a message.
and by the way how was your trip?
yes i went to the dr and i had to get the ct scan he knows what is on paper but he wants to see the scan them self.
i had a little scar tonight with pain and being sick to my stomach but everything came out ok. my apointment is on monday so as soon as i get home i will send you a message.
and by the way how was your trip?
Dawn Bashaw