low iron
My bloodwork has always been really good, but I just had my five year bloodwork done, and my iron (ferritin level) was a 6. The hemoglobin and hematacrit were low normal. I have heard of so many people getting their iron levels back up using Vitalady's tender iron. So, I ordered some. So, we will see how it works. My only problem so far is terrible constipation with it. I hope someone reads this and gives me some advice on how to handle that aspect of things because I mean its bad. LOL. Hard as bricks. I know that is TMI, but I figure people on here will understand. LOL. Good luck and keep us posted on what you learn.
high/dos/cur/goal Made goal at 1 year and 1 week.
137 puts me at a normal BMI..Yippee
I am now dropping iron again after only a few months, they are having me do a abdominal and pelvis Ct Scan tommorow to see if there is any internal bleeding.
Good luck