The Girls....

on 10/25/08 12:24 am - IRONTON, MO
I hope that this is sufficient to post............... What has happened to the girls? LOL! There is no substance(?) to them anymore. I am having trouble finding a bra and can't seem to wear any kind of molded cup because when I lay down, they do too and just slip right out.......don't get me wrong, it is a problem that I can live with, but,  does anyone have any suggestions on a good bra
Barbara C.
on 10/25/08 1:00 am - Raleigh, NC

I found a couple that work for me. Believe it or not, one is from "Frederick's of Hollywood, it runs about $30 and can be worn with or without extra padding. It really locks and loads the girls without giving you that 1980's Madonna look. I've also have some very good success with the full coverage bra at Victoria's Secret, I can't really do the demi-bras because I need the side coverage to minimize spillage from the excess skin and the full-coverage bras seem to have wider side straps. Theirs run about 42.

Hope that helps some.


ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145

on 10/25/08 1:18 am - IRONTON, MO
Thanks Barb.......Do you know what the one from Fredericks is called?
Barbara C.
on 10/25/08 1:59 am - Raleigh, NC

Hmmmm.... Let me check. I went to their website and it's called the Hollywood Exxtreme Cleavage ... Here's the link 2002&category%5Fname=Bras-Extreme+Cleavage&product%5Fid=5198 5

I have worn it with and without the 'cleavage' padding, but what I really like is that fact that it's an attractive bra that holsters those girls into place.

The bra from Victoria's Secret is the full coverage y.vs?namespace=productDisplay&origin=onlineProductDisplay.js p&event=display&prnbr=9F-212583&page=1&cgname=OSBRPBBVBRA&rf nbr=10 ... I also have and like this one that has some moderate padding and provides great shaping, I find that since their isn't as much "air" in my "balloons" that sometimes, the padding will help shaping while not adding significant volume... y.vs?namespace=productDisplay&origin=onlineProductDisplay.js p&event=display&prnbr=9F-212946&page=1&cgname=OSBRPMWLZZZ&rf nbr=4606

If you are able to actually go in and try some on, I think it makes a world of difference. We don't have a Frederick's here in Raleigh. I went to them while I was in CA and to be honest, the bras that they and I thought would work didn't. I have found that going ahead getting fitted is a much bigger issue for me now than it was before.

Good luck!


ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145

Tracy B
on 10/25/08 2:45 am - Erie, PA
Vickie, I hear ya!!!! I have found a few good ones at a bra specialty shop, but they ran about $70 a peice. I have also found a good line that I like from Penneys at only $30 each and you can usually hit a good sale of buy 2 get 1 free. For me, the microfiber cups work WAY better! They have more of a firm hold, so they keep everything up and in place and I don't have any slipage. That is the one area that I would really like to have worked on someday~a lift and some implants would do wonders for my appearance and my self esteem, but unfortunately its not in the financial cards right now~maybe someday! I'll probably end up being 85 years old and finally having the $$$, but I'll have the perkiest boobs in the old folks home, LOL!!!!!

~*~Tracy B~*~

328/160 *** 5'9"

on 10/25/08 8:04 am - Rehoboth Beach, DE
My girls have left the building, too! I found a great bra at Lane Bryant -- it's called a "balconette" and has underwire along with molded cups that lift/support not just from the front but from the sides, too. Makes me look like I've got quite a rack when in reality, as soon as I take it off the girls head south . . . WAY south LOL.

Usually on sale about $15 or buy-one, get-one-half-off . . . Beats the cost of a breast lift and augmentation, for me.

on 10/25/08 8:06 am - Rehoboth Beach, DE
Ooops -- forgot to add -- the Lane Bryant bra also seems to have more coverage under the arms and a wider/taller (?) coverage that keeps the bra flab at minimum for me, too.

on 10/25/08 9:29 am - manchester, NJ
i just gave up and wear these barely there bras which are like a soft sports bra.  they are comfy and i guess i just dont care anymore where the girls are at.

love ya all, jacki

p. s. sometimes i wear a bali regular bra under a few things. but mostly i just dont care.



on 10/25/08 9:55 am - IRONTON, MO
Thanks to all of you. I intend to try all of these bras out till I find the one I like best. I will keep you all posted with my solution if I find one, but even if I dont ...........this post has definitly gave me more smiles and chuckles today than I could've ever hoped for. It is a wonderful thing to feel you are not alone.
Thanks all rock!
on 10/25/08 11:54 pm - APO, NY
I have major issues with this, too--coupled with the fact that I live overseas and can't pop in anywhere to get fitted properly--have to order mail order mostly. I bought some bras at a French shop last month --and they have already fallen apart--two of them anyway---the underwires have come out.

My b**bs are pitiful anyway---used to have lush full that like some anceint grannies---"I musta stepped on my own *****"...

Small price to pay I guess....have been saving money for b**bs and a tummy tuck--then I think, man I'm just vain...

How do people make the decision to finally go through with surgery, anyway???
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