Two Year Anniversary was 10-10
My two year anniversary was this past Friday. I had my two year check up on Thursday. I weighed EXACTLY what I did last year....however, I gained 6 pounds since April, so I was a little discouraged, and I know the reason is because I am NOT exercising like I was before!!! So, I definitely need to get back to that!!
My surgeon wants to see me again in six months just to make sure I am not gaining anymore weight. I am having some pain in my stomach and he is afraid it is an ulcer, so I am off to see my family doctor this afternoon as my surgeon wants a test done where they put a tube down your throat and take a look, also has me on some medicine to coat my tummy before eating.....
So, I am a little disappointed, but I am still very proud of myself. When I started this journey I weighed 285 pounds and I am down to 154! Just need to get back to the exercising!!
My two year anniversary was this past Friday. I had my two year check up on Thursday. I weighed EXACTLY what I did last year....however, I gained 6 pounds since April, so I was a little discouraged, and I know the reason is because I am NOT exercising like I was before!!! So, I definitely need to get back to that!!
My surgeon wants to see me again in six months just to make sure I am not gaining anymore weight. I am having some pain in my stomach and he is afraid it is an ulcer, so I am off to see my family doctor this afternoon as my surgeon wants a test done where they put a tube down your throat and take a look, also has me on some medicine to coat my tummy before eating.....
So, I am a little disappointed, but I am still very proud of myself. When I started this journey I weighed 285 pounds and I am down to 154! Just need to get back to the exercising!!
CONGRATS to YOU!!! Here's to NO more tummy aches!
~Sandie~ -147!!WLS:12-12-06:Preop 268,Ht.5'4",BMI 44.9
Click on link to see my journey!!!
"Do unto others as you'd have done to you"~ The Golden Rule to Live by!
You are what you EAT and WHO you hang out with! Choices=Outcome~ what's YOUR choice??
I'm not perfect but I am going to die trying!!!