hernia symptoms

on 10/4/08 10:30 am
what are the symptoms can you have one with no pain and finally can it get worse with exercise.what happens if you dont fix it
annette R.
on 10/5/08 2:49 am - ithaca, NY
Hernias HURT! You can often see the buldge with an external one, just FEEL pain from internal ones.

The biggest problem is that they can strangulate and quickly cause life threatening problems. Others can stay the same for years with no complications.

On Friday, I had the 3rd surgery for hernia repairs in less than 2 years. This time my surgeon repaired 4 of them by inserting mesh in the belly. It was done laproscopically with 3 tiny incisions. The incisions are not too painful. The gas is slowly dissipating and gets better with walking.

If you think you have one, don't wait - get in touch with your surgeon.
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Eva M.
on 10/6/08 6:32 am
I've had 2 hernia surgeries.  Neither hurt prior to the surgery.  The first was the size of a small football and right in the middle.  They sewed the muscle up and all was fine for a while.  Then, I developed a 'swiss cheese' abdomen.  They fixed it with a large mesh.  That was back in April and no sign of any more.  I've heard from other people that they hurt bunches, but that was not the case for me.  But you should get it fixed or looked at if you suspect you have one.   If they become strangulated, they can be very dangerous.  Best of luck to you.

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