almost four weeks out from TT...pouch is very weird
Hey all. I had my TT almost four weeks ago. Lately, I am having difficulty keeping things down. My pouch is super sensative. I was on the computer earlier, and ate a 1 ounce bag of Goldfish crackers and then got really sick. I guess they expanded too much or something. I am not eating much but gained two pounds. Have my monthly too so maybe that is why. Can all the vomitting hurt the TT staples interiorly? I feel ok, just get sick ALOT more now than I did before. Is my body just adjusting or what? Thanks in advance for any help u can give. I am a mESS lol
Hi Kathleen! did I see you at the support group Sat? I sooo wanted to ask you a few questions about your TT with Dr. W.but you left early (so did I but you were quicker than me LOL).
Does he tighten muscles while doing the TT? How long did you have the drains (one or 2?)? I have to have a hernia repair at the same time and waiting for ins. approval right now. Hoping to do this in Dec when the kids are out for Xmas break.
Does he tighten muscles while doing the TT? How long did you have the drains (one or 2?)? I have to have a hernia repair at the same time and waiting for ins. approval right now. Hoping to do this in Dec when the kids are out for Xmas break.
Hi there. I saw u...I had to leave because my kids were warring lol. I had my TT four weeks ago tomorrow. He did a hernia repair, TT, and Paninectomy (sp). I had two drains in for about seven days. My family called em my were not that bad. I am feeling pretty good. Going back to work Mon. the 29th. I have to go pick up the kids now, but will write more later. You sure look good...I have the same shirt u were wearing at Support Group...I actually almost wore it hehe. You can call me too 512-1575. Are u Military? Took about three weeks for my approval. You cannot lift anything or bend. That is the hardest part. I will ttyl ...Love k
Not military...I have Anthem BC of Ca. so I really don't know how this will go. With a hernia I know that will be covered but the abdominalplasty may not...just waiting to see what they say.
I have a desk job for the most part. Some walking but no lifting or anything like that and my son is 4 so no prob there and my 17 YO nephew lives with me so he can be helpful (when he wants to be anyway LOL).
I wasn't sure about the muscle-tightening and if Dr. W. did that or if he only removed skin. I am sure with the hernia some re-structuring has to be done to the abdominal muscle.
I was never nervous about my orig. WLS but this one is kinda scary to me. I had never had surgery before WLS so had no idea what to expect...probably why I was not nervous. Can't be scared of what you don't know, right? And my WLS was pretty much a breeze. But, I have heard and read the the TT is way different and that is what makes me nervous.
I have a desk job for the most part. Some walking but no lifting or anything like that and my son is 4 so no prob there and my 17 YO nephew lives with me so he can be helpful (when he wants to be anyway LOL).
I wasn't sure about the muscle-tightening and if Dr. W. did that or if he only removed skin. I am sure with the hernia some re-structuring has to be done to the abdominal muscle.
I was never nervous about my orig. WLS but this one is kinda scary to me. I had never had surgery before WLS so had no idea what to expect...probably why I was not nervous. Can't be scared of what you don't know, right? And my WLS was pretty much a breeze. But, I have heard and read the the TT is way different and that is what makes me nervous.