low blood sugar diet and weight gain

on 9/12/08 2:13 am
ok that makes sense
what does you diet look like for a day
are you using protein shakes as a meal/
Dawn B.
on 9/12/08 3:04 am - Anderson, CA
I don't use protein shakes, though this morning I had a mango banana w/ protein from Starbucks, as they don't keep me full past an hour or so. When I'm being a good girl (which I've been trying to be more often of late) I have hardboiled eggs w/ string cheese for breakfast; cottage cheese, tuna, string cheese, and crackers for lunch, and whatever for dinner, heavier on the meat than on other stuff. When I'm really good I don't snack. When I do snack, and I'm doing good, it's string cheese or beef jerky.

You don't want to know what I eat when I'm not following plan. My 3 meals tend to be fairly the same, but I snack on all sorts of junk I shouldn't. I'd like to lose 5-10 lbs to get back to my maintenance weight range so I walk/ride with my dog M-F for 30-40 minutes and I'm trying to do better on the snacking. Being diagnosed with an ulcer has added some ump behind the attempt. :o)

Dawn   5'7" 258/142
'What's important is not necessarily where you are, but in what direction you are going.' Oliver Wendel Holmes

on 9/12/08 3:34 am
i have to find something that gets my day off to a good start that seems to be the thing that blows the day for me.
i am going to try cottage cheese over the weekend and see how that goes
thanks again for your help
hope the ulcer gets betterwill that go away?
Dawn B.
on 9/12/08 8:01 am - Anderson, CA
The doctor said that it can heal itself. The next 6 weeks will tell if the pain I've been having is an ulcer & if it heals. If the pain doesn't go away then I get scoped and we see what we'll see.

Dawn   5'7" 258/142
'What's important is not necessarily where you are, but in what direction you are going.' Oliver Wendel Holmes

on 9/12/08 8:37 am
I also understand your pain and frustration over this type of weight gain, etc.  I would like to just voice an opinion on the lemon in your water.  I believe the lemon has no bearing on your sugar cravings; what-so-ever.  Splenda and other sweetners can cause your pancreas and other organs to think they are receiving real sugar; thus, cravings begin.  A lemon is "bitter" and I cannot fathom how it would ever cause a person to pick up a candy bar or a pint of ice cream and indulge.  However, if someone has "scientific" proof that this is indeed the case, please post in reply.  I am always open to being corrected!
on 9/14/08 10:01 pm
thanks -- i think it is the caffine-- reallys tarted to craved mu junk when i started drinking iced tea all day long
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