Internal hernia anyone? What were your symptoms?
I have been having intermiitent episodes of abdominal pain primarily upper left quadrant. Relieved only if I lie face down on a hard surface like the floor. I had another bout on Thursday night which took about 2 hours to relieve and since then have been left with a less intense pain in the same area; tender to touch or palpate with referred pain mid back and left shoulder. I had similar issues about 15 months post op and it turned out to be an internal hernia. I hate to go rushing to the ER every time I have abdominal pain (don't want to be labeled a hypochondriac) but I "feel" like there is something not right in my belly. I am 3 years post op and had LBL done since the last internal hernia. Any advice is appreciated.
Mine started feeling like really bad gall bladder pain but on the left instead of the right. I didn't have a gall bladder anymore so it couldn't be that. The pain radiated around to my back. It went from my shoulder blades to my kidneys. I also have the feeling of really needing to go to the bathroom but nothing would come out. At the same time, I was dry heaving and had the foamies. My surgeon said not to mess around with this pain as it can be life threatening. Please call your surgeon as many other doctors misdiagnose these intermittent internal hernias. It turns out that I had two.
Momma to Alex 1/08/2007
Jen that is right where I have my pain too...all upper left quadrant under my ribs and radiating around to mid back (almost like the pain is sandwiched between the front and the back). Also radiating up into my left shoulder blade in the back. I have a lot of belching, bloating and gas too. CT, Upper and lower endoscopy negative. Just got home last night from 3 days in hospital, NPO on IV's to let the bowel rest but things are really no better. Am waiting to hear from my surgeon what she wants to do next. Did your internal hernias show up on the CT scan or only once they went in to take a look?
Get it checked out. If something doesn't feel right, it's not right!
I am waiting to be scheduled for the third hernia surgery in less than two years. Some have been internal as well as outer ones. My surgeon warned not to wait because they can STRANGULATE and kill us!!! That scared me into action.
Good luck
I am waiting to be scheduled for the third hernia surgery in less than two years. Some have been internal as well as outer ones. My surgeon warned not to wait because they can STRANGULATE and kill us!!! That scared me into action.
Good luck
Thanks to all of you above for the input. I ended up in the ER Sunday afternoon and admitted for the last two days. Had upper and lower endoscopy which were negative so still no answer to what is causing the pain although the CT scan showed lots of air in the intestine. The pain is better after nothing to eat for 3 days so I was able to go home today. Will have to wait and see what the surgeon wants to do next. She was thinking exploratory lap in case it is scar tissue that is causing all of the difficulty.
I was experiencing bouts of upper abdominal pain earlier this year- went to the ER the first time then went through a series of tests including GB ultrasounds, endoscopy, colonoscopy, CT scans- you name it. They couldn't find anything yet the pain persisted. Finally they did an exploratory lap and found internal hernias and adhesions. They took care of it and no problems since. Hopefully you will get an answer and it can be resolved soon! Good luck!
Where was your pain located Joelle? I think I am headed for the exploratory lap sometime soon myself. I wish something would show on the tests so I don't feel like it's all in my head! I got home last night and tried to eat a little something and the pain is right back this morning. Frustrating because it is interfering with being able to work. I guess I have to contact the surgeon this morning and see what the next step is. Appreciate your input!
My pain was right in the middle of my upper abdomen, just under the diaphram. With me, sometimes eating made things worse, other times better. Luckily for me, we live close to the hospital where my RNY was done so when I originally went to the ER, they put me right in contact with my surgeon's office and consulted with them and my surgeon followed me and ordered all the tests and even did the exp. lap. I, too, felt that it was in my head because nothing showed up on tests. And being a nurse, I didn't want people to think I was a hypochondriac! So when they first told me I needed exploratory surgery, I said no... until I had another bout of pain (that would put me down for hours). Then we scheduled it and I was so relieved after it was done that not only was there really something there causing my pain, but that I have not had any problems since.