This Little PIGGY Had...................

on 9/6/08 11:02 am

Well here I sit, listening to the rain that has been falling here in NY all day from Hurrican Hannah....Totally bummed being inside for the day so I found myself binging on lots of crap today.....I have been very vigilant with watching what and how much I eat but for some reason today was a PIG out day!  I have not had a day like this one with grazing in years!  I am not going to get all bent out of shape over this because tomorrow is another day, and tomorrow I will get right back on the wagon!  I just refuse to weigh myself tomorrow even though I know one day of my binging will not add a lot of pounds but due to the salt intake may just add some water weight that I do not want to know about.

Have any of you ever gone through what I am going through today? 

   ...· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-
      ¸.·´ .·´¨¨))
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            "(¨`v´¨)":" °..··..*.. ·· ..°
   *..·°-:¦:-  `v´ * Marianne* -:¦:-  * °.. ·· .*.. ·· .:.° *  -:¦:- *
         -:¦:-  * °.. ·· .*.. ·· .:.° *
  -:¦:-285/155/175Current~ 54 years young~  5'7 tall


Not the Same Dawn
on 9/7/08 12:31 am - BEE EFF EEE, CA
Absolutely! And with winter coming up that's what's headed this way too. I'm sure that's why most people put on weight in the winter months..No outdoor activities and too much food laying around. It's a fight but we're all there with you.

Definitely don't weigh for a couple days. You can't do THAT much damage in a day but the mental thing lasts alot longer than the water weight.
Yes, RNY worked for me but it also requires a lot of work from me!

Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
on 9/7/08 6:38 am

Hi Dawn

I did get brave this morning and got on the scale!  I gained a pound!  Planning on flushing that pound right out!  Been really good today and KEPT MY MOUTH SHUT!  LOL

Take Care


   ...· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-
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            "(¨`v´¨)":" °..··..*.. ·· ..°
   *..·°-:¦:-  `v´ * Marianne* -:¦:-  * °.. ·· .*.. ·· .:.° *  -:¦:- *
         -:¦:-  * °.. ·· .*.. ·· .:.° *
  -:¦:-285/155/175Current~ 54 years young~  5'7 tall


on 9/7/08 12:42 am - CAROLINA SHORES, NC

Hey Marianne,

     Oh baby! Been there done that, too many times to count lately. Also like you I don't get bent out of shape when this happens. I know I shouldn't be doing this but there are times as if I can't control myself, but tomorrow is another day and I'll start fresh. Funny thing is that this past Thurs, Fri and Sat, before, during and after "Hanna" I was at my best, No binging. My way of thinking is this, on Thur. we were securing the house for the coming storm, on Fri we were going through the storm then on Sat we were cleaning up from the storm so I was to busy to stop and put my hands on extra food lying around plus I didn't want to open the frig or freezer and risk losing that cold and thus losing all the food in both areas. So maybe I'll treat each day as if a big storm is on the way.
         As a former Long Islander I know how bad it can be when a "BIG" storm hits, I remember huricane Gloria, so how did you fare? much damage? We, here on the coastal boarder of North/South Carolina, where the storm came on shore had some really bad winds, trees, limbs, mail boxes blown down and no power for 12 hours but now every thing is back to normal, hot, hot, hot, humid, humid, humid. Kind of like L.I. in the summer.

 Hope you enjoy the rest of your summer and don't get any more left overs from the south.

Donna, sfy (southern fried yankee)

on 9/7/08 6:36 am

Hi Donna

We did pretty good with the storm.  The rains came in shifts and when it did it was a very heavy was disgustingly humid yesterday!  No power was lost and cable believe it or not did not black out!  We have some downed branches and leaves but that is about it....Today is absolutely beautiful and looking at the five day forecast the rest of the week is expected to be the same temperture wise---mid to high 70's. 

As far as my binging....TODAY I am doing fine!  I had my 4 cups of water with my protein, some peanut butter pretzels and a cup of coffee,  I am taking it easy in the intake dept today.  I made a nice big pot of homemade chicken soup with lots of vegies for dinner.  Looking forward to eating that!  Then I will have another four cups of water with my protein.

I did get brave this morning and weighed myself.....I gained ONE pound!  So I have to be sure to flush that sucker out!

Take care and thanks for the nice LONG ISLAND GREETING!


   ...· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-
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            "(¨`v´¨)":" °..··..*.. ·· ..°
   *..·°-:¦:-  `v´ * Marianne* -:¦:-  * °.. ·· .*.. ·· .:.° *  -:¦:- *
         -:¦:-  * °.. ·· .*.. ·· .:.° *
  -:¦:-285/155/175Current~ 54 years young~  5'7 tall


on 9/7/08 7:21 pm - Windsor, MO
No way Marianne, I never have days like that because I am perfect!NOT!  I would think if we never had days like that we would not be normal (whatever normal is).  I think with us being WLS people it makes us feel somewhat normal now and then.  I like the fact that we can fall off the wagon and get back on.  Now, that does not give us a free ticket to do that all the time.  Get back up and do whats right!  Have a great day and God bless, Penni  SALT IS THE
Tracy B
on 9/8/08 12:00 am - Erie, PA
OH yeah! It happens! But you have the right attitude about it~just put it behind you and move on the next day back on track! Good Luck!

~*~Tracy B~*~

328/160 *** 5'9"

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