low blood sugar-Fatigued-Gaining Gaining Gaining Weight-Can't Sleep! A little over 2 years...

Check on it!
on 9/5/08 10:48 pm - Pearland, TX
OMG!!!! I am soooooooo glad I came here today!  My dad has been screaming at me to go back to the doctor to find out what's wrong with me and I don't.  My blood sugar gets so low, I've passed out while grocery shopping in walmart only to awaken with the basket flipped over and al of my groceries having flown out of the basket.  My blood sugar gets as low as 19.  When I "feel it" getting low, it's usually in the 30's.  I start consuming sugar to get it up and it takes HOURS for it to get back up to the point that it's sky rocket high by the time it does get up and I literally go into an almost "diabetic coma".  I feel drained and literally just fall asleep only to wake up 30min to an hour later wondering what time it is, what day is it, and what was I doing before I fell asleep?!  My friend was laughing last night when she thought about a time where she had some mini nilla wafers (LOVE them!).  I'm like ok, I'll have a few, knowing that I MAJORLY dump (heart races, I sweat, get REALLY hot and dizzy). So I have some and must have ate TOO many to where she comes out to find me passed out on the couch.  I finally wake up dazed and confused and she's like, WTH?!!!!  I mean it happens ALL Of the time to where I am a single parent to 4 and 5 year old little girls.  When I finally wake up from my "diabetic coma", they will say "mom, we kept trying to wake you up but you wouldn't!".   I get scared they won't know whether to call for hel*****t because they are used to me passing out like that.  I've even tested them and pretended to be comatose, and they will come in and slap me around and call me and I just don't move and they're like, oh ok, she's sleeping and won't get up, we'll just wait till she gets up". That is NOT cool!!!!  I have explained this to the Dr. over and over.  I've also explained that I am so fatigued, I have no energy.  When I eat, I get SOOOO sleepy and feel like something is sucking the life out of me to where my BF and I will have plans to go out or work out, and I'll eat, sit on the couch, fall asleep and an hour or two later he's mad at me because I "went into a coma" and ruined our plans!  I LOVE to workout, but at times I am SOOOO fatigued and drained.  I feel like I'm carrying around a 400 pound body!  I am up 20 pounds from my lowest weight and I don't know WHAT the heck to do.  I don't understand what is going on!  I don't eat nearly as bad as I used to.  I don't drink sugary drinks.  I HAVE started becoming addicted to carbs again.........maybe that's it?  I mean I don't understand how I can consume 1000 to 1500 calories a day, then go workout and burn off 500 calories and STILL gain weight!  I took hoodia for two weeks last month and lost 15 pounds and I stopped taking them because I was getting addicted to the energy (I LOVED IT!).  Well, I gained those 15 pounds back!  I just don't know WHAT to do!  I never reached goal and I was only 18 pounds away from my goal, now I'm 28 pounds away?!  ARGGHHH!!! This is so frustrating!  That's why I haven't even posted or come to this site in a while because I feel like a failure!  But I've noticed that most people just don't say anything because noone else is.   Well, I'm going to say something!  I'm not a newbie.  So everything is not all gravy.  The weight is not just falling off.  I feel like I have OCD as far as dieting and exercising and weight are concerned.  I do WW, You on a diet, low carb, South Beach, Low fat.  I mean I'm doing every diet possible just to try to get back to where I was and the scale just moves up and up. 

Another thing is, I can't sleep!  I mean I literally lay there at night and I see every hour on the hour appear on my cloc****il it's finally time to get up.  What's that about?!!!

Ok.........I've rambled enough.  Any advice?

RNY on 4/17/06 - 302/150/160 5'7 1/2" tall

on 9/6/08 12:47 am - KY
TRUST ME I know how you feel ,I do the same thing eat wrong foods & just pass out for hrs at a time it is scary ,I dnt have a meter to measure my sugar level dnt know where to get one at ? I need to get one because I know my drops alot to & it is scary ,I have gained 12 lbs now & I need to just kick my self in the butt & jump start my life again ,yes carbs are so evil I eat breads now but no soda makes me feel bloated ,& I can not poop I take stool softeners but it dnt help ,so I think I am going to try colon cleanse to see if that helps ,my prob is at night I eat from the time I come home to bed it feels like ,I know I need to stop that so maybe I need to drink a protein shake that might help,I have a engery to exercise I need to I got a tread mill & bike but it just sets there ,I love walking out side now fall is comming maybe I will start it again,best of luck & you are not alone ,I read alot of post seems like the 2 year mark is where everybody starts gainning again so now here come the hard work to keep it off

B J 

Heather H.
on 9/6/08 1:48 pm - Northern, CA
You are passing out from low blood sugar. My son is type 1 diabetic and takes 2 different insulins 5x a day. He is also severly autistic and does not talk at 16 yrs of age so he can't tell me when he feels shaky or low. We test 5x a day to see what his blood sugar is doing. Carbs wont just make you "fall asleep".. they can kill you from repeated episodes of  low blood sugar. Do NOT eat sugar to raise your sugar. Buy some glucose tabs when you feel "low" like the 50's.. that is too  low..take 2, then drink some natural sugar like 100% juice half hour later. Your diet sounds alright with protein first! We all have to realize becaeause of the fact we had surgery, a different diet and vitamin supplements are for LIFE. Also drink water, lots of it. Dehydration lowers your blood sugar, workouts and excercise lower blood sugar, HEAT lowers blood sugar. Seriously..eat several meals throughout the day but stay away from those carbs as much as possible and stick to natural foods, get your carbs from vegetables not processed foods, you will at least reduce if not eliminate most of those "episodes". How do I know this. I could have written this post 2 months ago and I am almost 3 years out. hang in there!
*WLS is not the cure fall or obesity, its one treatment available to treat the symptoms of the disease and not without life long side effects*

Before 09/2005 BMI:57.5
After   09/2007  BMI.28.9
Now    09/2012 BMI 46.4

*My profile is public*

on 9/6/08 7:32 pm - Cortland, NY

I had been like that for a while and I noticed my Doctors were doing nothing about it, I noticed my heart going very slow and I will missed a bit and will keep me awake at nights,  I had noticed that one of my blood works came with my calcium low, then I started to take extra calcium and this symptoms went away, this may be one of your problems, other is that you don't digest sugars anymore, stop eating sugar and white foods like breads, potatoes and rice, eat all whole grain and mostly protein, you will notice that your energy will be back, when I don't eat that way, I will be tired all day, and it was what I was eating that caused my low blood sugar also, specially white bread or cakes or anything that has too much sugar, when you blood sugar goes low, eat something that has high fiver or high protein don't eat sugar again, you will be in the same circle over and over until you learn to control your blood sugar, hope you will try this and I hope will help.  :)

Check on it!
on 9/7/08 8:32 am - Pearland, TX
I want to thank each and everyone of you for your responses and your support.  I really appreciate it!  I'm really down and out right now. I feel like a zombie and at the same time I still have to go into work and I still have to raise 2 little girls.  I just hate not having energy, I hate the dizzy spells, and the dumping and the insomnia and the the fatigue . This is the 3rd time I'm going back to the Dr. for this.  Last time I got an antidepressant while I was visting.......humph!  That just made me eat, and when I did fall asleep I couldn't wake up, I was having nutty dreams AND it was making me clench my teeth while I slept to where I'd wake up and my jaws were hurting.

We'll try one more time with my current dr.  If nothing prevails, then onto a new one.  I mean this is NOT normal.  I had more energy at 300 pounds than I do at my current weight.

I will try a new multi-vitamin also.  It's funny someone mentioned dehydration, exercise and heat lowering blood sugar . When i work out, I workout atleast for 1 hour once a day, if not twice if I'm off.  I take a prescribed diurectic daily because I retain so much water.  I take blood presuree medication also that is supposed to keep pottasium in my body because my potassium was getting too low to where I could barely move and I live in TEXAS . Do you KNOW how hot it is down here?  LOL.

Again, thanks everyone.  I will keep you posted!

RNY on 4/17/06 - 302/150/160 5'7 1/2" tall

on 9/7/08 12:19 pm - Puyallup, WA
RNY on 10/05/94
OK, there are years of discussion of this on yahoo grads, but I'll give you the short & sweet version here:

you are eating something that causes it about 3 hrs earlier. When you correct with sugar, it rises, then falls again, so you correct with sugar, which in turn, cumulatively, is making you gain wt.

To get off the merry go round, you have to unbuckle and get off.

After 13 yrs I finally realized that white carbs are what cause the problem, specifically bread and potatoes. Eat them, even with a balanced meal and 2-3 hrs later, I'm down. Fast. The correction is peanut butter crackers. I personally don't like them much, but they are medicinal. It's either them or kissing the floor and I've got about 45 seconds to make up my mind. I also drink water with each bite to get them in sooner and because the low sugar sucks all the wet out of my mouth.

Since I have studiously avoided white carbs and all sugar since 4/1/07, not only have a lost quite a bit of weight, but I have not had a low BS issue. Period. My crackers are still stuck in every nook and cranny of my life, but they are getting stale. Yay! I hate crashing and having to eat a REese's PB cup because it's the least damaging sugar I can find without a brain to think or legs to walk on.

The PB crackers is our consensus, BTW, in 9 yrs of combining our hypoglycemia issues.


look for reactive hypoglycemia or rhg or low blood sugar and you'll find hours of reading while we all learned about this

BTW, if the sugar goes low enough, you don't come back, so don't mess around with it

RNY, distal, 10/5/94 

P.S.  My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.

Heather H.
on 9/7/08 2:49 pm - Northern, CA

Yep! Three cheers for peanut butter crackers. I buy them by the case and my kids eats most of them :)

Before 09/2005 BMI:57.5
After   09/2007  BMI.28.9
Now    09/2012 BMI 46.4

*My profile is public*

on 9/8/08 10:55 am - Puyallup, WA
RNY on 10/05/94
I keep a pack in a hard shelled glasses case in my purse. 2-3 packs in each car. And even tho we can make a sandwich, I keep some in my car and rv.

although I seemed to have found the eating formula to prevent the sudden drops, I'm still scared to take chances.

RNY, distal, 10/5/94 

P.S.  My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.

on 9/9/08 2:49 am
What a great idea on the hard shelled glasses case, I tend to throw mine away periodically since they get pretty smushed, lol.  I am going to buy some of the cases to protect mine, thanks Michelle.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining



on 9/10/08 6:57 pm - Puyallup, WA
RNY on 10/05/94
not my idea, but I'm passing out someone else's major brain storm

RNY, distal, 10/5/94 

P.S.  My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.

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