How'd the Liquid Ladies Do?

B Girl
on 8/26/08 11:13 pm
I was successful yesterday.  I stuck with liquids (mostly protein shakes and a little soup for lunch), got in all of my water and exercised hard.  Honestly, it wasn't as bad as I thought it may be.  I was afraid of feeling hungry or feeling like I'm on a diet, but it wasn't that way at all.  There were definitely times that I wanted to eat just for the hell of it, but that's habit not hunger.  Habits are kicking my arse these days.

So let's here it -  how'd you do yesterday?  Did you struggle?  Did you succeed?  Are you trying again today to get back on track?
on 8/27/08 7:36 am
I decided last night to do 3 day liquid diet.  Then, just now I see this.  So, may I join in?  Always helps to have someone else to go along on a journey:)  My day has been good so far.  Had a couple of protein shakes, 2 bananas, coffee, and a small yogurt so far.  I will have to add up the protein and caleries to see just how much that will equal.  Hope you have another good day.
on 8/27/08 8:55 am
Here it goes for me so far:
Protein Shake - AM   205 cal.   26 pro.
Pro.      Shake - PM   205 cal.   26 pro.
2 bananas                 200 cal.      2 pro.
sm. yogurt                    90 cal.      5 pro.
tom. soup                  150 cal.      5 pro.
tom. soup                  150 cal.      5 pro.

Total Cal.  1000   Total Protein 69

I think that looks okay.  

B Girl
on 8/27/08 9:46 am
Welcome and good luck to you!!  I just came back to OH after a pretty lengthy break.  You're doing pretty good, but try to increase your protein to at least 100 grams each day. 

I don't know if you're using the liquids to jump start weight loss or eliminate carbs that have returned - but bananas are loaded with carbs.  Bananas aren't the devil, so they may work just fine for you.  I know I'm staying away from them right now, because fruit is a downfall anyway and I'm trying to cut off my carb addiction.
on 8/27/08 10:33 am
Yes, carbs are very tricky for me.  They worked for me today.  Easy to take to work and I really did not want anything else.  I have to stay away from candy and cruchy crackers/pretzels.  Tough to get in more protein without a lot more caleries!  Not sure how to do that?
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