Pouch Stretched
I am five pounds below goal within ten months of Gastric bypass. I had 100 pounds to lose. I am still losing and still can not hardly eat very much. I have had two dialations. The last Upper GI I had was by the Professor of Gastriology in Winstom Salem Wake Forrest University in NC. The GI MD said he could not find nothing excexpt my pouch was extremely small. (3 centemeters). He did dialate the area but suggested to correct anything would to be to stretch my pouch.
Has anyone gone through this. Everyone is telling me I look sick looking, and I try my best to eat without getting sick. I am not hungry and have to force myself to eat. I was on a feeding tube for about four months before I could start eating my Protein. I have even added fat to my diet, but I an still losing. I have gone from a size 20 to a size 2 in 10 months.
Just wanted to see if anyone has had their pouch stretch (not the stoma). And if so, how was the outcome.
At one point , 5.5 years ago (I'm 7 years post op on 9/6/01) I had dropped down to a size 2/4. (from a 26!!!) Looked sick, OLD, emaciated -how weird - very opposite of all my life living within obesity...
I began eating more soups.
I began CREATING more "soup" by sipping with my meals.
I'd add wheat thins AND sipping to ingest more food... :) (you get the picture!)
As a result I was able to ingest more food- regardless of the tiny pouch - and regained to healthy weight - actually gained too much, then readjusted & have maintained for over 4 years now.
What worked for me may not work for you, but prior to a "stretching" of your pouch, I'd try somthing to "work around" the tool...
Take care!
9/6/01 292
162 - 168 almost 5 years & holding