Pain from to much "dry" food

on 8/23/08 11:39 am - Northglenn, CO
I have done this before, i think, but have any of you ever eaten to much of a "dry" food like cracker or pretzle and had a pouch pain for a few days after.... I was munchung on my sons goldfish and i ate to many with out sipping sonething inbetween ... because they are so dry..... and then i got a really bad pouch pain and was uncomfortable for a while.... now i just been like a rawness where my pouch is.... i think it will go away but i forgot how long, anyone ever done this????
Cathy W.
on 8/23/08 9:53 pm
Sometimes if I eat something dry or too much of something dry, it will knot up in my pouch and feel like I have a boulder of concrete sitting there.  It will last for the next day and sometimes even into the following day only a bit less.

I don't eat many crackers or pretzel items because of them being more dry than other foods.  The main reason that I don't eat them is because one is too much and 1,000 isn't enough.  They feel like snacky foods to me and I can easily drift into the mindless hand to mouth eating.  Some people can do those types of foods, unfortunately, except on rare occasions, I don't choose them.

You mentioned sipping something in between.  As far out post-op as you are, you know that even sipping (more than a small single sip) is compromising the duration of your satiety.  Sipping flushes food through quicker and can attribute to being hungry sooner and wanting more of the food.  If you aren't having problems with that, terrific!!

Try to eat a little softer foods for today so you pouch can settle down from being irritated.  It probably just needs a rest and you should feel better tomorrow.

Thanks!!  Cathy


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on 8/24/08 1:03 pm - Northglenn, CO
6 years out and i am under weight so i got the ok to snack.  I ma 138 and 5 foot 5. and everyone tells me i am tooooo thin, thought i dont see it

If i am in the mood for goldfish, i usually will take tiny sips while eating them bacause they are dry (not like i can eat many) but i learned a few years ago when i was preggo that if i crave something, just eat in it moderation because if you dont, you will eat even more trying to ease the craving when you could have just eaten a small amount of what you wanted int he first place

on 8/24/08 11:30 pm - Portage, IN
A little history: September 6th I'll be 7 years post... lots of habits learned / unlearned / relearned, etc. & lots of learning in that time - oh & 4 years @ goal and stabilized.....

I am oh so familiar with this issue & once I realized it was all in how I was eating the dry food, everything changed...

Some habits are hard to break - like barely chewing and then gulping down large pieces.  When I looked @ how I was eating my wheat thins (example) I was literally cracking them 1/2 (basically) and swallowing them down - dry, dry, large, painful, silly me...

Now I eat 1or 2- that's ONE or 2 (what? not a handful like I used to??) at a time... eat it , chew it.  Dang, chewing is the valuable part 1 of digestion - where saliva mixes with the food...
Duh... Digestion 101...

Okay, so when I really chew and let the ol' saliva factory do it's job I have no, none, zero issues with dry food - ever... never.  yay!

-if I forget and slam 'em in, oh yeah, that's when I get impacted pouch - concrete was a great term- and drin****il the concrete dissolves or moves through...

Overall - it's not the dry goods - it's the way I'm eating bads...


I love learning. Oh, and yes, you "can teach old dogs new tricks"...  :)
(52 & learning more every single day!)
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