Parital small bowel obstruction

on 8/23/08 6:21 pm, edited 8/23/08 6:23 pm
Here's my story:
2 weeks ago, I had stomach pain, and diarrhea. I did liquids for a couple of days, then the BRAT diet( bananas, rice, applesauce and toast ) for a couple more days, and things settled down. I went back to my normal diet.
BY this past Sunday, I was in pain again, and having loose stools. On Monday, I didn't eat, and started liquids only again, but by evening, I was in such pain I knew something was wrong besides a virus. When I vomited, and it was Sunday's meal, I decided I needed help.
I went to the ER, and told them I had Extended RNY in August 2006, and was having the worst stomach pain of my life. I was x-rayed, then had to drink a quart of contrast for a CT scan. I told them I couldn't drink it in 2 hours at this time because I was also full and bloated. I was informed I could and I would if I wanted their help, so I tried. About half-way through, I projectile vomited all over the stretcher and floor while the doctor was there. He said never mind, I was ready for the test now. They did the CT, and I had a partial small bowel obstruction. I was having loose stools because the bowel wasn't  completely blocked. They put me on an IV with nothing by mouth but ice chips.
After 2 days I had another X-ray, and there was no sign of the dilated bowel when everything had backed up from the obstruction. The doctor, a Hospitiler, put me on liquids. I did those for 2 days, and then soft foods. When I had some pain, he decided to do a small bowel follow through, in other words a Barium swallow. 
The Radiologist then used a fluroscope to watch the progress in real time and showed me my RNY connections and how short my common channel was, and what the problem was that caused the obstruction.
Background: I've had several abdominal surgeries- gall bladder, c-section, appendix, RNY, TT and 2 hernia repairs, the 2nd was with the TT. Abdominal surgeries, espeically several almost always leads to adhesions which is scar tissue buildup that adheres to the bowel and organs, muscle etc in the abdomen....sooner or later.
I had what appeared to be 1 adhesion wrapped around my small bowel right where I had the last hernia repair. So my problem wasn't caused by the RNY, but of course that was the first conclusion, but the radiologist put in his report that it wasn't the problem.
I got out of the hospital Saturday, which is yesterday. My orders are to move as much as possible, massage my belly frequently, and live my life. I'm to avoid red meat, popcorn, and nuts. All other foods and fibers are good to go. Especially fiber. And do not overeat.
I was supposed to leave on a cruise to Mexico Monday, but he said NO WAY, I can't leave the country for a month. I am so glad I got travel insurance that covers illness causing me to miss the cruise!
At the first sign of the same pain, bloating, pressure and diarrhea, I am to return to the ER immediately, because a bowel obstruction can be  a health and life threatening event. As many as a third of people with a complete blockage have serious complications including death.
I was told by the Gastro consult, that many times single adhesions will break away by themselves without surgery with exercise, continued movement, massage, and good fiber. Believe me, I am walking and massaging and making SURE not to overeat.
All of us need to pay attention to our bodies. I noticed that I felt swelled like just after my TT and hernia repair, but didn't realize how bloated my belly had gotten. I knew about obstructions....but didn't pay enough attention to all that was going on in my own body. I will not make that mistake again.
on 8/24/08 11:26 am - colchester, CT

Sally, that is something else. I do hope that things improve and you don't have any serious problems. Yes we all need to listen to our bodies and not wait to seek medical help.

Take care


on 8/24/08 12:03 pm
Sally sorry to hear this, I'm glad you went to the ER.  Being aware of our bodies is so important.  I've experienced more bloating lately also and have had several abdominal surgeries, I do need to be watching for pain; thanks for sharing your situation with all of us.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining


Michele T.
on 8/24/08 2:53 pm - Scottsdale, AZ

I'm sorry for your obstruction, but glad that you're doing well. 

Thanks for the great explanation.  I didn't realize (or had forgotten) that obstructions were a complication of multiple abdominal surgeries.  I've had a hysterectomy, gall bladder and appendix as well as my RNY.  I had to have open RNY as there was too much scar tissue for my surgeon to do lap.  So I need to be very aware if I experience any of the symptoms you describe.

Tracy B
on 8/25/08 1:37 am - Erie, PA
Sorry to hear all you've been going thru!!!! Its so important to be aware of what is going on with our bodies and trusting in our instincts. I hope you're feeling better soon!

~*~Tracy B~*~

328/160 *** 5'9"

on 8/25/08 3:52 am - Broken Arrow, OK
Thank you so much for your post. I too, just got released from hosp yesterday for same thing. I am still hurting when I drink or eat, but find that getting up and walking does make it feel better. And massaging has helped, even did it before cause it made the pain less.

Did your doc say how long before the pain would go away and be normal again? I did not get to see dr before he discharged me to ask him and he is in surgery today, so won't get call bac****il tomorrow.

When God Makes a Promise, It remains forever true. When your disillusioned and every hope is blighted, Recall the promises of God and your faith will be relighted.

on 8/25/08 11:53 am - Tallahassee, FL
"At the first sign of the same pain, bloating, pressure and diarrhea, I am to return to the ER immediately, because a bowel obstruction can be  a health and life threatening event. As many as a third of people with a complete blockage have serious complications including death.

Say it again...and again! This is sooo important. I just lost the very first person I ever talked to about WLS to a blockage and still spinning from it. She and I had different surgeries but it can happen to ANYONE. Pain is NOT normal! If you have a complete blockage, you have only HOURS to get it diagnosed and treated...not days.

Usually with a blockage, you do not poop but with a partial blockage you can. IF you have the DS, you can poop so the symtoms can be "hidden". Take any abdominal pain seriously.

Thanks for brining this to the forefront!

Dianne from FL

SW / GW / CW  5'10"
306 / 165 / 140
With the DS: there is no stoma, so no stoma strictures; there are no limitations (other than volume) against drinking before, during or after meals; 80% of ingested fat is malabsorbed; 98.9% of type II diabetics are CURED of this devastating disease, with data showing stable cure over 10 years out; there is the best average weight loss and most durable (average 76% excess weight loss going out 10 years) of all of the bariatric surgeries.  That's why I had a DS!

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