"before" pictures
why do people carry pictures of themselves before surgery? i mean no disrespect to anyone who does, but I cannot understand why someone would want to be reminded of what they used to look like. I attend support group meetings monthly and everytime i meet someone new, they bust out the "before pic". The last thing i want is to be reminded of how I used to look like. Is there something wrong with me (I think there is) or do other WLS grads have similar thoughts.
Honestly, I MEAN NO DISRESPECT TO ANYONE AND I HOPE NO ONES FEELINGS ARE HURT BY THIS POST. I am just puzzled as to why I have such strong negative feelings about how I used to be....
1. As a reminder to themselves as to what they previously weighed and what they looked like. Why? So they keep it fresh in their mind as to how easy it would be to fall back into the former bad habits.
2. They need the affirmation from others to help feed their ego and keep them moving full speed ahead. "No way! That was you?? You look fabulous!"
I can only assume they use it as a tool to keep them on track however it works for them.
I guess I'll find my tools and make them work soon.
MAYBE, what people should do next time is get their birthday cake with the before picture printed on it; that might cut down on cake consumption. Which means, having a before picture allows one to occaisonally ask yourself if you want to return to the way things were.
I keep my pictures with me in a thin leather photo carrier (holds about 4 pics). I always had people asking me what I used to look like, and so I started keeping it. I think that it can be a wonderful source of inspiration for someone, to see that it can be done. Yesterday I went to an informational meeting through my employer, offered for people who want to have surgery. I was asked to come and talk about my surgery, and I took my before pictures. I really wanted these women to see what difference the surgery can make in their lives. One lady thought it was a picture of my sister! I assured her, no it wasn't but it was me. I could see the spark in her eyes as she looked hopeful that surgery would help her. I didn't have that before my entry into this program, but wished I had. . It keeps you going, kind of like looking at all the before/after photos in the gallery here on OH.
Later down the line as time passes you will forget what it felt like to be MO or SMO. Believe it or not there will come a time when you will be able to eat normally or close to it. There will come a time when you may start gaining weight back.
I like to keep a reminder with me so that I make every effort not to go backwards in my journey.
And some people cannot fathom losing more than 200 pounds and sometimes they just need a visual aid.