Interesting website
So I was just doing a search on high protein foods, weightlifting, etc. and came across this website. Some of it is common sense, some of it, like how much protein should you have, I actually found an answer to. Not what I read about on the message board, or what my DR told me, but it actually gave a number range [.5 gram-2 grams per lb of body weight in case you don't check out the article!] If you sift through the site it has info. on weight loss, protein foods, cravings (he gets a little mean in that one, but honestly, he's totally right!) So I'm going to give his weight loss plan a try and I'm sure I'll post on it in about a month or so to see if it gets any results. It will need some modification probably ??? but basically the plan was to record how many calories you eat in a day (eating how you normally do) then subtract 500 calories, then do cardio 3-5 days a week for 30 mins. Weigh yourself weekly, if you see less than a 1 lb. loss then he tells you waht to change. I think this may work for me because I'm trying to find that magic number for me to lose what I gained, and what I need to maintain because it's not the same as it was a few mos. ago even. I'm also trying to build muscle though too and get some kick ass arm muscles, etc.
Check out James' latest post too:,messageboard/action ,replies/board_id,4856/cat_id,4456/topic_id,3697725/
It is all about figuring out your caloric needs to lose and maintain, calculating your body fat, etc.
Thanks for the post, good stuff!!!
Highest 6/98: 289 1st consult 9/07: 260 5'11"
WLS 1/7/08: 234 Lowest 8/08: 164.5
Currently pregnant! Due November 27th, 2009!