When do you know When You Lost The Right Amount Of Wt.

on 7/14/08 10:08 am - erie, PA
Judy You are right when I asked my GBS he told me. I should go between 140 and 150. I never asked my blood disorder dr about my wt. He the one bought it up. By asking when I was getting rid of the very little bit of extra skin . I do have he said once that is gone you will no longer be fat. Taichi
Tracy B
on 7/14/08 6:02 am - Erie, PA

Wow, they said 5'10" and 156lbs was fat?? I might be looking for a  new blood disorder dr at that rate, LOL!!! That is clearly not "fat" by any stretch of the imagination! According to the BMI calculator you are at 22.4 bmi which is well within the limits of a "normal" range for body mass index. I am 5'9" and am currently 156lbs~I do flux between 150-159 at any given time. My dr feels this is fine, but his goal for me was actually higher at 165lbs. Could you go as low as 140lbs?? Maybe, but having larger bones and accounting for the excess skin it might be VERY difficult to do. I don't have alot of excess skin, but my surgeon feels its about 10-12lbs so when you think about if I had that removed I would be more like 144-146lbs. Anyway, just my opinion~you sound like you're at a healthy weight to me!

~*~Tracy B~*~

328/160 *** 5'9"

on 7/14/08 10:45 am - erie, PA
Tracy, That is very true after reading your post. I can face the facts that the last extra 16 pounds will not come off. Because I have that much of extra skin. That no matter what I do it will not go away lol. Yes I was shocked when my blood dr thought I was fat and asked when. I was going to have ps. Bad thing is he is only three in our area and the other two work with him :{ I just have to remind myself as long as I am in a safe wt range and . A safe bmi range and in good health. I shoul,d be thankful for what I have been given. And not worry what the dr's feel. I should be and shouldn't be. I keep telling myself that I did not have this surgery to be no one beauty queen. But I did it to have a better life . Thank you Tracy . Hugs Taichi
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