Am I done? A grad? I don't wanna be yet..
forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could be any different
It's that BLEEPING PCOS...I suffer from it also, and it seems I could walk past a bread store, smell the goods, and gain 2#'s!! I never hit the magic number on the scale that says "normal", but....I have MAINTAINED a 120# loss for over 2 years now (5-8# wiggle room monthly...PCOS still controls my hormones).
That is the battle I have won...prior to RNY, it was a happy sight to see ONLY a 10# gain in a year. I was given the impression that this surgery was a crap-shoot for me because PCOS had taken total control of my body. I followed a strict nutrition plan, I had a personal trainer, I was in the gym 4-5 days/week, and I still couldn't shake more than a 6# weight loss. My surgery changed how I lived my life and the contributions I was able to make in my family.
Sure, I'm still 20#'s heavier than the life insurance tables say I SHOULD be, but now....I work full-time and go to school full-time. I am a cook, maid, chauffeur, and personal ATM for three teenagers who never had this mom before. I have a husband who vaguely remembers a similar person from the early 90's before PCOS started winning, and he's ecstatic to see her again! Plus, I have a closet full of clothes that I can wear at anytime's not categorized by
"never will fit again, but I'll keep it"
"another 20#'s to go"
"keep the tag on, just in case it goes back"
and the ever-popular,
"dumpy hausfrau-chic to wear around the house....and eventually everywhere cause nothing else fits!".
I'm happy with my accomplishments, and ok, truth?...I have a fantasy of losing that last 20#'s, but I have a normal life now, a happy family and a happy self, healthy bloodwork, and a desire to not be the slave to a diet anymore.
We all went through a phase of "I'm DONE!?!? Uh-uh...I can still lose some more...", those first months were the "easy" part, losing no matter what was done. Maintaining is a life-long process and it takes more work...and it's not quite as "fun" as the original weight loss that was accompanied by compliments, a new wardrobe, and obvious visual rewards.
Good luck on the maintenance life,