Let's workout! (Wagoneers)

(deactivated member)
on 7/10/08 12:19 pm

Human anatomy front view
Here are the muscle groups you can print and save in your workout journal. When designing your plan, look at each group and do exercises to deplete each group slowly. Below is an example of my workout plan, this can be tweaked to fit your needs.

Exercise 1: 
Military Press (3 sets of medium weight until failure)
Body group: Deltoid Muscle, Sternocleidomastoid Muscle, Trapezius Muscle.

Exercise 2:
Bench Press (3 sets of medium weight until failure)
Body group: Pectoralis Muscle, Brachloradialus Muscle

Exercise 3: 
Flyes (3 sets of medium weight until failure)
Body group: Pectoralis Muscle

Exercise 4:
Tricep Extensions (3 sets of light weight until failure)
Body group: Tricep Brachii Muscle

Exercise 5:
Bicep Blast (1 set light weight, 1 minute rest, 1 set medium weight, rest 30 seconds, 1 set heavy, rest 15 seconds, 1 set light until total failure)
Body Group: Biceps

Exercise 6:
Lateral Pulldowns or Pullups (3 sets medium weight until failure)
Body group: Latissimus Dorsi Muscle (Gives the V shape body)

Finishing Exercise: HIIT Running (3 minute warmup walking, increase speeds to sprint that your can tolerate for 30 seconds, return back to brisk walk for 2 minutes, increase speeds to sprint for 30 seconds. Repeat this for 1 mile. Cool down and stretch.
Body group: Quads, Calf muscles.

I do this workout plan on Mondays and Fridays, I give my body 3 days rest because I deplete the glycogen storage. My body is constantly attempting to replenish levels, this decreases the effect of insulin on the blood sugar and the body stays in fat burning mode (The body will halt the signal to store fat in order to replenish glycogen levels.). 

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (I do Yoga, in order to stretch muscles and oxidate them so they can heal and grow). 

The following week on Tuesday, I do basement workouts.

Exercise 1: Push ups: (3 sets of failure)

Exercise 2: Dips (3 sets until failure)

Exercise 3: Flutter Kicks (3 sets until failure)

The following Friday, I return back to the beginning and start all over again. I give the body enough time to rest and build muscle fibers in between workouts. While I am resting, I take L-Glutamine and eat about 200 calories below my BMR. This provides nutrients for the body to heal faster and repair cells. L-Glutamine enhances the production of Glucogen (Fat burning hormone). 

Let's workout
on 7/10/08 1:27 pm - San Jose,, CA
Geez.....I sure wish you lived closer LOL!!  You would be an awesome work out buddy!!! Ever consider a podcast? Anjanette


"Never let the fear of striking out get in the way of trying" George Herman "Babe" Ruth

No excuses....just do it!

(deactivated member)
on 7/10/08 1:31 pm
PODCAST!!! What a great idea! THANKS! I will consider it know! HUGS
on 7/10/08 1:41 pm - San Jose,, CA
I would totally tune in or whatever!  Good thing my kids know how to do all that!! hugs, Anjanette


"Never let the fear of striking out get in the way of trying" George Herman "Babe" Ruth

No excuses....just do it!

Jennifer G.
on 7/11/08 2:46 am - Ocean Springs, MS
Hi! I just found your wagon plan.  It really makes sense.  I will start right now actually.   It will be hard to retrain my brain but it can be done.  I have one question though.  About adding fat, is there a set amount to keep everything level, like the 15:7 ratio thing?  And, are there "good fats"  and "bad fats"? I had lap band 7-6-06.  Lost 128 pounds! Yay me! Then got too tight and was unfilled for a month and during that month had a bad sinus/ear infection.  The dr gave me a round of steroids aka hunger in a pill!  So I could eat more AND was hungry.  Needless to say I gained 18 pounds in that month.  That was in APril, I think.  I lost 6 pounds of that, but now am struggling to get back to where I was.  Then I still need to lose at least 50 pounds.  Any info or advice would be appreciated! Thank you, Jennifer
(deactivated member)
on 7/11/08 4:53 am
Hey Jennifer!  Congrats on your success! First let me clarify the fat myth. Fats are needed for hormones, cell structure, and so many other things, but the most important is satiety (Feeling of fullness). Fats when combined with proteins and carbs will satisfy the body for long periods of time. When the body is unbalanced and is in fat storage mode, fats can cause a problem for the dieter. The Wagon Plan addresses the balance issues and keeps our bodies in fat burning mode. Therefore, fats can be utilized correctly by the body and hunger will be controlled efficiently. Think about how much fat is really in 2 servings of carbs and 2 servings of protein, not too many. Fats became an issue when our society adopted the low fat theory in th 1940's when fast food chains began popping up on every corner. What these experts failed to mention was the release of Insulin (fat storage hormone) surged the body in large amounts which kept the dieter hungry, cranky, and tired all day long. By controlling this hormone and causing the pancreas to release glucogen (fat burning hormone), our bodies will burn fat 24hours a day no matter what we eat for energy (As long as it is balanced).  I hope this helps James
(deactivated member)
on 7/11/08 10:28 pm - FL
Hey James, I have a few questions:

1. What is the amount of fat that we should consume at each meal?
2. Should we always have fat with our protein and carbs?
3. Is there a list of foods that indicate a serving of protein and carbs. I'm a label reader so I can figure it out, but a list would be helpful!
4. It looks like we should always have a post-workout meal, right? I usually have a protein shake prior to the workout and oatmeal after. Any recommendations for pre-workout early in the morning?

Thanks for sharing so much with us.

(deactivated member)
on 7/12/08 12:29 pm

1. What is the amount of fat that we should consume at each meal?

Fats are not that important with the Wagon Plan. The reason is because when the body is balanced, and glucogen levels are high (Fat burning mode), the body will shut off storing fat and concentrate on providing glucose for the brain and other organs (It's a long scientifical process) LOL.
2. Should we always have fat with our protein and carbs?

Again, fats are not important if the meal is balanced correctly.
3. Is there a list of foods that indicate a serving of protein and carbs. I'm a label reader so I can figure it out, but a list would be helpful!

Sure, I am a label watcher also, but I use dailyplate.com or nutritiondata.com. Look up all your favorite foods and balance them using the 15:7 Ratio.
4. It looks like we should always have a post-workout meal, right? I usually have a protein shake prior to the workout and oatmeal after. Any recommendations for pre-workout early in the morning?
Yes! If you have a protein shake before a meal, you are providing the body with enough protein to sustain muscle retention. Oatmeal, after the workout is a bad deal. The reason is because after you workout, Cortisol is a muscle eater and slows down the metabolism. To counteract this release, we have to eat simple sugars (1/2 Candybar, Rice Cakes with PB, Granola Bar, Jelly Sandwich on white bread). Do not consume fruits or milk products. The reason is the simple sugars will cause a spike in the blood sugar which will signal the pancreas to release insulin. Insulin attacks Cortisol on so many levels. The window of opportunity after working out (90 Minutes) will signal the body to restore glycogen levels for muscle use and not turn any of the simple sugars you just ate in to glucose. This is the key to building lean mass and losing fat. We have to control three things. Insulin, Glucogen, and Cortisol. Research how all three of these hormones effect the body and you will further gain a wider understanding of why the Wagon Plan is so successful.

Big Hugs


on 7/12/08 11:01 pm - philadelphia, PA

Thanks for taking the time to post your routine. I will print out a copy for the gym..

God Bless

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