Thursday Menu (Wagoneers)
Meal 1:
1/2 Cup of Quakers Oatmeal w/butter, cinnamon, and honey
1 Egg scrambled with cheese
2 Slices Canadian bacon
Total: 400 Calories (24g Carbs, 17g Protein)
Meal 2:
(2) Slices Natures Own Honey Wheat Light (14g Carbs)
1 Tbsp Strawberry Jam (14g Carbs)
2 Tbsp Skippy Natural Chunky Peanut Butter (7g Protein)
8 oz Skim Milk (8g Protein)
Total: 400 Calories (28g Carbs, 15g Protein)
Meal 3:
Banquet Turkey w/gravy meal
Total: 400 Calories (28g Carbs, 15g Protein)
Meal 4:
1/2 Cup Breyer's Vanilla Ice Cream (16g Carbs)
2 oz Crushed Blue Diamond Almonds (Vanilla Bean) (12g Protein, 8g Carbs)
1 Tbsp Peanut Butter (7g Protein)
Total: 400 Calories (24g Carbs, 19g Protein)
Meal 5:
(4) Tysons Mini Ribs
1 Cup Broccoli & Cheese
Total: 300 Calories (14g Carbs, 20g Proteins)
Total: 1900 Calories. My DCR (Daily Caloric Requirement) is 1700-1900 in order to lose 1-2lbs per week. My BMR is 2500 calories to maintain. I am still in a calorie deficit, another day down.
What is your menu for today?
Hello everyone... myname is Maya and I am 26 yrs old..had rny july 11, 2005 im 5'2 started at 320 lbs.. got down to 178.. and now im 199.. and back on track ( i was 206 Monday).. I havent been a back to this site in over a yr because i was ashamed... but im back.. and i hope to be able to support those who need it and receive some support.. Breakfast - i had 4 oz of tuna salad with fat free mayo lunch- 4oz of chicken breast mixed with meat ball (odd i know haha) Dinner- 4 oz chicken breast i have alread drank 32 oz.. andhave 32 more to go of water.. BUT i MUST account for my coffee drinking!! PS james... u look AWSOME! starting: 320 current: 199 goal: 150 49 to go!