one more pound to go for my Mid-July personal goal ..i have a doctor's appt tomorrow with my surgeon for a check up ..its been a year since ive seen him ..actually, even though im still 21# from my original goal, im excited to go see him ..i had blood drawn for labs on Friday, most of the results will be discussed tomorrow, im hoping my Vit D levels are up ..all in all ..i thank God for the 5DPT, it got me back on track down 12# since 6/17/08 YAY!
been busy since the holiday, hope everyone is doing well! take care
-hugs- dawn :)
Great job girl! You should be so proud of yourself! I like Dr Halmi...he came to see me in the hospital (even though he was not my surgeon...his partner was) after a nurse posioned me with latex! LOL He made me stay in the hospital two extra days. I never even noticed you had Halmi til just now.
Good luck on your labs! Here's hoping for a clean bill of health!