Back from Vacation
Good for you! I try to imagine myself camping before surgery...OY! What a nightmare that would have been...Isn't it sooooo great to LIVE again? Did the 'squeeters" get you guys too? I was out in the woods...(luxury camping at my fully electric and gas cabin!) LOL Still the woods though...We got tore up!! I'm itchy pink polka dotted!
Welcome back!
Oh yes...the deer and horse flies were terrible too...They leave welts worst than mosquitos... I actually saw a snake for the first time out there too...It was on a sal****er river (sunning on a tree limb over the water) so that kinda surprized me...I'm glad i didn't bump the tree of he'd could have fallen on my head! Want to talk about a heart attack! Yep! I'm with you on snakes...If I never saw another snake it would be too soon! LOL Oh the joy of the deep woods!