How do I start over?

on 7/9/08 2:17 am - Puyallup, WA
RNY on 10/05/94
I don't use milk in any form (sugar), and don't add fruit to mine. Special treat. Besides, with my ProScore 100 choco + ice + water, it IS perfection in a glass. It'd be criminal to mess with it in any way!

But I do 30g each time, so my drinks run about 160 cal, 4-8 oz, depends on what I made (ok to mess with other proteins, just not PS100!), but I never add sugar. Just combine 2 proteins, or use coffee for one, water for the rest.

But as I've said many times, I've done a many as 9 per day (270g) to get the carb monster off my back). No way I can absorb that much, but better to be putting appx 150 cal of useful calories into me than sure-fire hip-enlargers in if I'm having an attack of the eaties, right?

RNY, distal, 10/5/94 

P.S.  My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.

on 7/9/08 2:46 am
Where do you buy your ProScore100 and how do you mix it? I personally like American Sports Nutrition drinks and mix them in a blender with about 10-12 ice cubes.
on 7/9/08 2:56 am - Puyallup, WA
RNY on 10/05/94
My Ps100, is, ahhhhhh, very close to me at all times.

6-8 oz water, never more. 5 cubes or maybe 1/2 c crushed. I use Bullet or hand blender. Big blender puts too much air makes me burp. No. LOL

Been using it since 1996.

RNY, distal, 10/5/94 

P.S.  My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.

on 7/9/08 4:44 am
So, do you SELL PS100? Are you the 'vitalady' that has a website? Sorry, I just don't know about these things!!
on 7/9/08 4:29 pm - Puyallup, WA
RNY on 10/05/94
Um, well, yes, but I was trying not to say that. LOL

I am the queen of PS100 choco! Do not try to get between me 'n my PS100 choco.

Since Champion sold, the new owners tried to get between us and that was a VERY bad idea. Very bad. I'm not NICE without my PS100 choco.


PS100 choco addict

PPS I always say choco because the vanilla is a no go for this girl. LOL

RNY, distal, 10/5/94 

P.S.  My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.

on 7/9/08 11:20 pm
Well, DUH!! I should have been able to figure that out on my own, as I'm sure most other people on here have. That's nice that you don't "push" your site on here. I don't like it when people use the site for their personal agenda!! So, PS200 choco is the best thing since sliced bread, huh? I guess I'll have to order a sample of it from "Vitalady" website  :o)  I've wasted waaaaaaaayyyyyyyy too much money through the years on stuff that I could not drink!  I did like the Champion Screaming Banana pretty well though. I think I tried the Champion Chocolate and did not care for it. As much as I LOVE chocolate, I've never found a chocolate mix that I really like. I do add cocoa to my Banana mix when I want a chocolate drink. Seems like the Champion mix bothered my gluten allergies though.... I have to be sooooooooooo careful. Sometimes "artificial flavor or artificial color" will contain gluten. Vanilla is a no no for me too. I stick mostly with the Banana and add fruit or cocoa when I want variety! Thanks for being so prompt to answer my posts. I need all the support I can get. I am starting on the 5dpt today and trying to get a grip!!! BEING FAT AGAIN IS NOT AN OPTION FOR ME!!!! Hugs,      Piggybabe
on 7/10/08 2:01 am - Puyallup, WA
RNY on 10/05/94
It's not my style to "sell" anyway. But since ERic and I were the first sites of our respective kinds on line, it's a courtesy that I continue to hold and kinda get nervous when I'm on the line.

The Pure Whey Stack is the darker one. 1.5 sc + about 6 oz of water is much like I remember choco milk BUT I like a Wendy's Frosty better and that's what my PS100 is. More malty (some like, some don't) and a bit thicker, inherently. Add some ice and crunch it all together and it approximates what I remember. LOL

Sadly, while the proteins do not contain added gluten, they cannot certify "gluten free" because that means they are certifying that their equipment has never, ever, ever handled gluten and that allllllllll of the equipment for all the raws has never, ever, ever touched gluten. Much like Kosher, every step has to be certified, and each cert adds cost. So, while most products are without gluten, they cannot certify gluten free, technically.

That's why you pay more for any foods that are thus marked.

You could also try Banana Scream and the Stack choco together. Ban + darker choco. Or send yourself to a planet of happiness with a PS100 choco! LOL

RNY, distal, 10/5/94 

P.S.  My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.

on 7/8/08 6:02 am
So, you are saying that we can do as many as 5-6 protein drinks per day? Mine have 104 calories each (if I don't add milk or fruit). That sounds slightly excessive to me, but I know that you are the "expert" since you've been here "forever"  LOL  Seriously, I've read your past posts and you have done FANTASTIC. I'm in the same boat as most others, about 25 lbs. heavier than I would like to be and DEFINITELY in a "grazing mode". I don't eat many carbs, but the ones that I do eat are mostly candy and fruit. I am allergic to wheat, so that cuts out cookies, cakes, bread, etc.
on 7/8/08 12:24 pm - Puyallup, WA
RNY on 10/05/94
Yes. Think of it this way. Ppl think those 100 cal bags of fun are "nothing", but they are. They have no possible use, so apply a bag to each hip or each butt cheek or wherever you get it first.

104 cal of protein had work to do, places to go. Muscles, tissue all lined up waiting for it. My WLS/muscle building buddy always reminds me that extra protein turns into fattty tissue. OK, but I've yet to meet ANY WLS person who has so much on board that there was "left overs" to turn into fat! It all goes right to work. Every time I've had regain, it's sugar. Not very many calories, either.

I've used as many as 9 svgs of protein (270g) to keep me away from the candy machine! Once I get a grip on myself, I drop back to my usual 180g. It only takes a day or 2 to get a grip. But the whole point is to put ME back in the driver's seat. I don't like the guilt that follows a fall into the sugar vat. I don't like the near-instaneous snugness of waist band.

So, if you are already reaching for 100 cal snack bag, make it 100 cal of protein instead. it helps quell your "wanter" and turns off that voice to keep eating. And thew less sugar/simple carbs you eat, the less you want.

Then, it sneaks up on you later and you always think you can "have just one" and the cycle begins again. I seem to remain strong for about 3 yrs before I slip up badly. I never really liked sugars so much, but it's always textures that lure me in.

Regain #2 was fruit. I seem to be ok if I eat a piece of or segment of fruit, but when I lose my mind, it's perfectly ripe summer fruits, just cut up in a bowl. Lose my mind! LOL So, as much as I like fresh fruit cut into a small bowl, actually, if you cut up 6 fruits it makes a BIG bowl and you can't let them go mooshy, can you? For me, I have to identify the enemy, then I am more equipped to fight. It's usually me, but texture sneak up behind me. LOL

RNY, distal, 10/5/94 

P.S.  My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.

on 7/8/08 9:42 am - Southeast, MI
Wonderful reply, Vitalady, I wholeheartedly believe the reason I lost my weight, and have maintained for 14 months, is the protein, both solid and liquid form.  While I was losing, my mid day snack was almost always a few almonds, 3/4oz. cheese, and 1 oz. good quality jerkey.  Guess what, that's still my favorite midday snack, but with a few grape tomatoes or berries added.  I always, always, always start the day with a good protein drink, and if I feel like snacking late at night, I have a protein drink before anything else.  Usually, I don't want to snack anymore after that.  In fact, when I am really stressed, I reach for the protein drink first.  It's weird, it's become a comfort food for me. A trick for liking my protein so much, COCOA. I add a *large* amount of baking cocoa to my chocolate protein powder.  It doesn't contain sugar, and is fairly low calorie.  I drink my protein as a hot chocolate drink.  It is so chocolate-y, it is very rich and satisfying.  I don't think the brand of powder is important, if there is one you like.  The cocoa helps so much. As you said, you have to get used to the "new normal" for your life.  Life will always be really crappy at times, death, separations, illness, money.     Eating for health has to become part of that normal.  It is slow, but you can do it.  You did it once, you can do it again.  Make those positive decisions day by day.  It is not about perfection, not making eating/exercise mistakes, it is about the long haul.  How do you want to feel this time next year, I mean really feel, physically and mentally, when life is throwing those curves at you.  Being thinner doesn't make those crappy things go away, but you will have more energy to deal with them when they do happen. Good luck to all of you when you are getting back on track. Debra M.
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