For Those of U That Have Fallen Off the Wagon...
For those of you that consider yourself to have "fallen off the wagon" (via regain or never losing what you consider enough), before and/or while this was happening, did you: a) stop going to support group? b) stop attending your follow up appointments with your surgeon? c) stop measuring your portions? d) stop journaling your food/exercise?
A) Yes, I stopped going to group, tried going to a different group that got kinda catty, then never found another to join B) never did more than two follow up appointments C) I eyeballed my portions, was told you didn't have to measure, just listen to the pouch, don't push the pouch D) I stopped journaling halfway through my first year.
I've now gained about 20 pounds back and am starting to panic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!